Buy The Killa Zilla Online
Advanced Steroid Cycles

The Killa Zilla

What You Need:
Testosterone Propionate: 2 x 10 mL Vial
Testosterone Enanthate: 5 x 10 mL Vial
Testosterone Suspension: 12 x 10 mL Vial
NPP: 6 x 10 mL Vial
Masteron P: 7 x 10 mL Vial
Oxandrolone: 12 x 50 Pills
Oxymetholone: 1 x 50 Pills
Dianabol: 3 x 100 Pills
Aromasin: 1 x 10 Pills
Clomid: 1 x 100 Pills

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The Killa Zilla Detailed

The Killa Zilla Cycle for Sale

This cycle, is for the freaks and Highly Experience AAS User, This cycle was made by Ordawg1. Need caution when using this cycle, this is for bad mofo's only!

Week Test P Test E Test S NPP Mast P Var Oxy Dbol Aromasin
1 100 mg/EOD 500 mg/week 100 mg* 100 mg/EOD 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED 25 mg/EOD
2 100 mg/EOD 500 mg/week 100 mg* 100 mg/EOD 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED 25 mg/EOD
3 100 mg/EOD 500 mg/week 100 mg* 100 mg/EOD 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED 25 mg/EOD
4 100 mg/EOD 500 mg/week 100 mg* 100 mg/EOD 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED 25 mg/EOD
5 500 mg/week 100 mg* 100 mg/EOD 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED 25 mg/EOD
6 500 mg/week 100 mg* 100 mg/EOD 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED 50 mg/ED 25 mg/EOD
7 750 mg/week 100 mg* 100 mg/EOD 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED 50 mg/ED 25 mg/EOD
8 750 mg/week 100 mg* 100 mg/EOD 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED 50 mg/ED 25 mg/EOD
9 750 mg/week 100 mg* 100 mg/EOD 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED 50 mg/ED 25 mg/EOD
10 750 mg/week 100 mg* 100 mg/EOD 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED 50 mg/ED 25 mg/EOD
11 750 mg/week 100 mg* 100 mg/EOD 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED 25 mg/EOD
12 1200 mg/week 100 mg* 100 mg/EOD 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED 50 mg/ED 25 mg/EOD
13 1200 mg/week 100 mg* 100 mg/EOD 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED 50 mg/ED 25 mg/EOD
14 1200 mg/week 100 mg* 100 mg/EOD 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED 50 mg/ED 25 mg/EOD
15 1200 mg/week 100 mg* 100 mg/EOD 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED 50 mg/ED 25 mg/EOD
16 1200 mg/week 100 mg* 100 mg/EOD 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED 50 mg/ED 25 mg/EOD
17 25 mg/EOD

* 2 hours before workout

Keep Nolva, and letro on hand to nip out gyno issues

PCT - By this time in your career if you doing this type of cycle, you should be cruising, so no PCT.

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