Sildenafil Citrate (36 Offers)

Trade Name: Viagra
Compound: Sildenafil Citrate
Strength: 50 mg/pill
Container: 100 Pills
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Result
Viagra is a medication for men, used to promote the blood flow to the penis so that an erection can be achieved. If you have been unable to get an erection or if you have been unable to keep an erection for sexual satisfaction, Viagra is the answer.
Viagra is a small pill that is taken by mouth, and a prescription that can be taken any time of the day. Viagra is an oral medication, taken to give you an erection when you are sexually aroused.
You decide when you want to have sexual relations, without being sexually aroused; Viagra will not give you an erection. Viagra is a treatment, not a cure. You will have to continue using Viagra when you want to have an erection again.
Viagra is a medication that should only be used once a day or at least a span of twelve hours between uses. One thing that you should remember when using Viagra is that if you are not planning on having sexual relations on any particular day, do not take your Viagra, save it for a day when you are! Viagra is an expensive treatment that you use only when you want to have sexual relations.
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