Methenolone (Primobol) (7 Offers)

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US Domestic
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Dragon Pharma, Europe

Trade Name: Primobolan 100
Compound: Methenolone Enanthate
Strength: 100 mg/ml
Container: 10 ml vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Result

160.00 USD  
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US Domestic & International
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Dragon Pharma, Europe

Trade Name: Primobolan 200
Compound: Methenolone Enanthate
Strength: 200 mg/ml
Container: 10 ml vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Result

208.00 USD  
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Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

Trade Name: Primoxyl
Compound: Methenolone Enanthate
Strength: 100 mg/ml
Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

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British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Trade Name: Primobol Inject
Compound: Methenolone Enanthate
Strength: 100 mg/mL
Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
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Trade Name: Primoplex 100
Compound: Methenolone Enanthate
Strength: 100 mg/mL
Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Axiolabs

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Stealth Labs
Trade Name: Primobolan 200
Compound: Methenolone Enanthate
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Manufacturer: Stealth Labs USA
Lab Tested: View Result
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Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Trade Name: Primoxyl
Compound: Methenolone Acetate
Strength: 25 mg/pill
Container: 50 Pills in Sachet
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
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Buy Methenolone (Primobolan Depot) for Bitcoins

Methenolone (Primobolan) - a steroid which largely coincides on the principle of action and effectiveness with Masteron, but there are some differences. This drug is supplied in two forms - injections and tablets. Primobolan injections are very painful and not very convenient, so much more popular are Primobolan tablets. It have a shorter period of action and cost a little more, but it is completely safe for your liver and it can be taken very comfortably. However, injections of Primolaban Depot nevertheless can boast a relatively low price and increased effectiveness.

In the US market, this drug first appeared in 1962, thanks to the efforts of the company Squibb. The steroid described by the manufacturer was two years earlier. The first name of the steroid was Nibal Depot, but it quickly disappeared from sales. This happened after the company Schering (West Germany) managed to get the right to release this steroid. As a result, with the light hand of the German manufacturer, the world learned about Primobolan Depot. Since that moment, this trademark has become a household name.

Schering for over a decade defended its rights to manufacture this steroid and imported it even into the territory of the United States. Today, this drug is available in this country only for medical purposes. The drug has proved itself as a means for gaining a quality muscle mass. Actually, doctors used it during the rehabilitation of their patients who had muscle atrophy.

Soon, Primobolan began to be prescribed even to children, because during the long clinical trials there was no toxicity, and side effects were not manifested. Today, all the well-known manufacturers of steroids have established the release of Methenolone, because the term of the patent has already expired. This most common steroid is used by professionals, although bodybuilding lovers can also inject the drug into their courses.

Methenolone Effects

  • Building of lean muscle mass
  • Enhancement of power indicators
  • Preservation of gained mass
  • Minimum muscle loss after the end of the cycle
  • Excellent drug for cutting

Methenolone Steroid Profile

  • The active component of the drug shows activity for fourteen days from the time of administration.
  • The drug has anabolic and androgenic properties in the ratio of 88 to 44 in comparison with Testosterone.
  • As there is no estrogenic activity in this steroid, side effects of this type do not appear on the course.
  • Pimobolan is not associated with progestogenic activity.
  • The speed of the aromatization process is zero.
  • It is not able to convert to dihydrotestosterone.
  • It is able to suppress insignificantly the production of endogenous Testosterone.
  • This steroid's metabolites can be found for about five months.

Methenolone Dosage and Cycles

Methenolone is easy and effective, but many athletes do not thoroughly study the properties of this drug and complain that they have not gained weight at all, when the steroid's goal is to consolidate the already existing result, given that the phenomenon of muscle loss is of minimal importance. Methenolone cycle lasts an average of eight weeks, the dosage should be calculated individually for each to reduce the risk of side effects to zero. Basically, the dosage of Methenolone is 200-400 mg per week.

Methenolone, as well as in the case of Drostanolone, is advised to combine with various other drugs in order to gain the maximum muscle mass and get a qualitative, beautiful vascularity. For example, you can additionally take a cycle of Testosterone, Nandrolone, Sustanon, Oxymetholone or Methandrostenolone . If you go through a cutting cycle, Winstrol will be a good choice for combination. This drug has proved its effectiveness and has a fairly high price. Often you can find substandard Primobolan at a reduced price, the effect of this course will not be the most optimal, but you can once again put your liver at risk.

Methenolone Cycle for Quality Muscle Mass - Nr. 1
The combination of Methenolone with Nandrolone Decanoate allows you to gain a muscle mass of excellent quality. According to experts in the field of sports medicine, this cycle can be considered one of the safest:

- From the 1st to the 7th week - Nandrolone Decanoate is administered in the amount of 400 mg (weekly dose).
- From the 1st to the 7th week - take 300 mg of Methenolone (weekly dosage).
- From the 2nd to the 9th week - every fourth day, use 0.4 mg of Cabergoline (Cabaser / Cabgolin).

Methenolone Cycle for Quality Muscle Mass - Nr. 2
Practically similar results can be achieved also due to the combination of Methenolone with long esters of Testosterone:

- From the 1st to the 8th week - Primobolan is administered in the amount of 300 mg (weekly dose).
- From the 1st to the 8th week - Testosterone Enanthate (Enantat 250 / Enantat 400 / Testoxyl Enanthate) is administered in the amount of 500 mg (weekly dose).
- From the 2nd to the 9th week - every second day, use 0.5 mg of Anastrozole (Arimidex).

Methenolone Cutting Cycle
In this situation, an excellent choice will be the combination of Methenolone and Stanozolol. The first steroid is used according to the scheme indicated above, and Winstrol is taken every day for 50 mg. The effectiveness of this cycle will be increased if it is added Testosterone Propionate (Propionat 100 / Testoxyl Propionate).

Methenolone Side Effects

This drug is an extremely safe steroid.

From Methenolone side effects can be identified:
- Irritability
- Sleep disturbance
- Excitability.

All this are almost absent if the dosage is observed and a healthy lifestyle is maintained. However, we will pay more attention to this issue.

If you have already studied the steroid profile of Methenolone, you have noticed that this drug is completely inclined to aromatization. In addition, it does not have progestogenic activity. All this suggests that side effect of estrogenic type on the cycle are simply impossible.

However, this fact does not mean that you can overestimate the recommended dosages. This step is unreasonable even when using the lightest AAS. On this anabolic cycle, you can do it without anti-estrogens, but only if there are combinations with flavoring drugs are not used.

Primobolan has androgenic properties, which in theory can cause the development of such negative effects as acne, alopecia, etc. However, these effects are practically not manifested and largely depend on the genetic predisposition.

Methenolone is able to induce increases in the blood pressure parameter, reduce the ability of the walls of blood vessels to relax, stimulate the processes of hypertrophy of the heart muscle. All these properties of the drug can cause the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. To avoid this side effect, you need to minimize the use of fast carbohydrates, saturated fatty acids and lipoproteins.

Also, increasing the amount of omega-fat in the nutrition program in this situation will be very appropriate. We must not forget that steroids suppress the work of the elements of the pituitary arc. This applies to all AAS without exception. The more powerful is the drug, the stronger and its negative impact.

If an athlete does not use special auxiliary medications on the course, then body will need a lot of time to recover. In addition, it must be said that hypogonadotropic hypogonadism can go to the second stage. True, this is possible only in cases where athletes for a long time did not take steps to eliminate it. For this, during long courses it is necessary to use Gonadotropins (HuCog 5000 / Fertigyn).

Also, the use of Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) or Clomiphene (Clomid) during the period of posct cycle therapy promotes the rapid restoration of the working capacity of the hormonal system. For the sake of fairness, we note that when using this drug in dosages that are not exceeding 200 mg, there is no need to worry about a significant suppression of the synthesis of Testosterone.

Where to buy Methenolone?

You can buy Methenolone profitably and quickly in our online store for bitcoins. We have been working for more than 5 years, and this is confirmed by numerous reviews, both on social networks, and on our website.

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