Testosterone Propionate (6 Offers)

Trade Name: Propionat 100
Compound: Testosterone Propionate
Strength: 100 mg/ml
Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Result

Compound: Testosterone Propionate
Strength: 100 mg/mL
Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Stealth Labs USA
Lab Tested: View Result
Shipped Without Label!

Compound: Testosterone Propionate
Strength: 100 mg/mL
Container: 5 Amps [1 mL per Amp]
Manufacturer: Generic Asia
Lab Tested: View Result
Buy Testosterone Propionate for Bitcoins - Real Test P Sale
Anabolics, have long established themselves as drugs that help significantly speed up the building of muscle mass. In addition, they are able to influence a number of other changes in the body that cause a positive effect. When taking steroids that have an anabolic effect, there is an increase in the level of endurance and strength indicators, which significantly affect the training process, making it more durable, productive and intensive.
In turn, this affects the final result and sporting achievements. In general, all steroid preparations are the production of Testosterone, which have the strongest properties. This male sex hormone is responsible for the growth of strength and development of muscle fiber and regulates many processes in the body.
One of the most common forms of Testosterone, which is actively used in bodybuilding, is Testosterone Propionate. It is necessary for athletes to accelerate the growth of muscle fibers and increase strength. Due to its unique capabilities, it is also actively used for cutting.
Testosterone Propionate Steroid Profile
Testosterone is the main molecule, which is the basis for many drugs. Each of the drugs is produced by changing the molecule. Testosterone Propionate is a derivative that is planted on propionic acid ester, which determines the property and characteristics of the action of this substance.
This drug has 100% anabolic and androgenic activity, it is highly prone to aromatization, so when it is taken, it is necessary to use of antiestrogens. Toxic effects on the liver, it does not have, which is a significant plus. Available in the form of ampoules and vials for injection.
The period of activity is about 2-3 days, since this is not the longest ester from all forms of Testosterone. On doping control, it can be detected within 40 days. Steroids and anabolics based on Testosterone are the most powerful and effective.
Testosterone Propionate Effects
The main characteristics of this substance are contained in its work mechanism, which has the following form:
- Promotes an increase in the production of insulin-like growth factor in muscle fibers and liver cells;
- Contributes to a change in nitrogen balance, causing an active growth of muscle fiber;
- It is able to induce in the cells a proliferation process that provides a rapid recovery.
Anabolics for muscle growth, including Testosterone Propionate, help in accelerating the growth of muscle fiber. The main tasks of this substance are to provide such an effect:
- Acceleration of muscle mass growth;
- Strengthening the lipolysis process;
- Improvement of muscles' relief;
- The growth of strength indicators;
- Improvement and increase of libido on the course;
- A decrease in the likelihood of developing isochemic and coronary disease.
Testosterone Propionate Dosage and Cycles
The frequency of injections is usually every other day. The solo cycle is relevant for beginners, who have the goal of increasing the volume of muscle fibers or retaining their number. This type of substance is rarely used by itself, the cycle is supplemented by other drugs that can reduce the androgenic effect of Propionate. In the first solo cycle, it is recommended to use a dosage of 50 ml. Injections are performed every other day.
This reduces the risk of rapid manifestations of adverse reactions and makes it possible to follow the body's reaction. It also helps to ensure the stability of the hormonal balance. Professionals use Testosterone Propionate at 100 mg every other day.
The dosage is calculated on the basis of individual indicators, including experience in the application of pharma, sports performance, goals set, and so on. The course lasts from four to six weeks. It is very important to read the rules for injecting the substance so as not to interfere with the formation of seals and infiltrates at the injection sites.
Very often, this substance is used during the cutting period, combined with a Drostanolone (Masteron / Masteroxyl), Trenbolone Acetate (Trenbolone 100 / Trenboxyl Acetate), Stanozolol (Winstrol Depot / Stanoxyl Depot) or Methenolone (Primoxyl / Primobolan). Dosage is calculated from the total amount of substance per day and divided in the appropriate proportions. One of the most popular regimens of admission is considered to be 50 mg of Propionate every other day in combination with 50 mg of Winstrol every day.
The effectiveness of combined cycles is justified by the synergistic effect, which allows each of the drugs to show its most positive properties. If you use substances separately, they will not give such a strong result. After the course is over, post-cycle therapy begins. After three or four days, active measures are taken to restore the production of natural Testosterone.
Testosterone Propionate Side Effects
Some believe that Propionate is most effective if it is injected into the muscle that will be involved in the work, but in fact this opinion is erroneous. If the drug is used incorrectly, like other anabolic agents, side reactions may occur. Most often, it can be caused by large dosages.
Many complain of itching at the injection site, redness of the epidermis and pain. Professional athletes do not consider this phenomenon a problem. They believe that in order to get the desired result, you can live with such unimportant discomfort. To more significant adverse reactions can be attributed to the growth of aggression and the reaction of the estrogenic type. Before you begin the cycle, you need to consult a doctor, undergo a thorough examination and make sure there are no contraindications.
It is necessary to read the instructions for use in detail and follow its instructions. Very often, newcomers approach to taking the drug irresponsibly, which in turn causes such symptoms as acne, increased hair growth on the face and body, enlarged prostate, gynecomastia, masculinization in women. In addition, this drug intensely reduces the production of Testosterone, so after the end of its intake, it is necessary to have PCT.
If the course duration is more than six weeks, 500 IU of Gonadotropin (HuCoG 5000 / Fertigyn / HuCoG 10000) should be taken every day starting from the second week of the course. Women such a drug is not advised to use, as it has a high androgenic activity and can cause a number of adverse effects.
Where to Buy Testosterone Propionate?
Our online steroid store offers a large assortment where you can choose the most effective product. Here you can buy Testosterone Propionate, which is one of the substances that helps to improve a number of indicators and get the desired effect. It is presented in its original form and meets all the required quality standards, like all products from our store.