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Oxandrolone is more commonly known as Anavar, a synthetic steroid used in the 20th century to restore patients after prolonged treatment. But much more is used this drug in bodybuilding. When it became known about its useful properties, Oxandrolone began to be used in sports. It has many useful properties, namely:

  • It is able to give hardness to muscle tissues.
  • Building lean muscles.
  • Fat burning.
  • Strength improvement.

First, this steroid appeared on the markets of Holland and United States under the name Anavar. In a short time, this anabolic was spread to the states of Europe and it was used to treat women and children.

At the end of the eighties the release of the drug was suspended and it was absent from the market for about six years. Only in 1995 the sales of Anavar were resumed, and this steroid began to be used in the treatment of AIDS, hepatitis, as well as delaying the growth process in children. Today, in some countries around the world, this drug can be purchased on prescription.

Oxandrolone Profile

  • The active compound of the drug shows an activity for 8 to 12 hours after use.
  • This drug has anabolic and androgenic properties in the ratio of 400 to 25 in comparison with Testosterone.
  • As there is no estrogenic activity in this steroid, side effects of this type do not appear on the cycle.
  • Oxandrolone does not possess progestogenic activity.
  • The speed of the aromatization process is zero.
  • It is not possible to convert to dihydrotestosterone.
  • Suppresses insignificantly the production of body's own Testosterone.
  • Metabolites of this steroid can be found out for about 21 days.

How to Use Oxandrolone

Anavar is useless to use if your main goal is to gain muscle mass, as it does not speed up its growth. This drug is suitable for those who have already achieved the necessary result in training and just want to create a good lean muscles or to just maintain their physical condition.

Oxandrolone cycle is also good in order to quickly burn fatty deposits. Although Anavar is a safe steroid, you should not ignore the fact that some side effects are still present if you abuse it very much.

Here are some of them:

  • Decreased libido
  • Impairment of appetite

To bring side effects to zero, consult a specialist, ask him to calculate the exact dosage that will not harm your health.

Oxandrolone Cycles

The Oxandrolone cycle lasts no more than eight weeks and is often supplemented with various drugs, for example, Testosterone, which helps to neutralize the steroid's negative effect on the reproductive system. It is also advised to lead a healthy lifestyle and buy sports nutrition, which will further accelerate the formation of muscle relief. You can buy other drugs that will allow you to gain weight of muscle mass. However, you need to check whether there are any problems with the joint use of these or other steroids.

Oxandrolone Solo Cycle
At once it is necessary to tell, that this drug is extremely rarely used independently. This cycle lasts a month and a half, which will allow you to cut well. Use the drug according to the following scheme:

  • From the 1st to the 3rd week the daily dose is three tablets.
  • For the fourth week, take 4 tablets daily.
  • 5th week - dosage is equal to five tablets a day.
  • For the sixth week, you need to take six tablets daily.

Although Anavar is recognized as a mild anabolic, after completing its solo cycle it is worth taking Clomiphene (Clomid, Clomixyl) for one or two weeks.

Cutting Cycle
An excellent stack for Anavar is Testosterone Propionate (Propionat 100, Testoxyl Propionate). Due to such a combination, it is possible to cut out qualitatively and to gain a couple of kilograms of quality muscles. Do not think that if Oxandrolone can be used by females, then for a male body it can not be effective. Due to the presence of Testosterone in the cycle, you will get good results. This cycle can be recommended to body-builders of any level.

Testosterone Propionate is used according to the classical scheme - every second day is injected 100 mg. Oxandrolone throughout the cycle should be taken in the amount of six tablets daily (10 mg each). In this case, you can divide the indicated dose into two or three doses. This cycle lasts for six weeks. To prevent estrogenic side effects of Testosterone, for the third week, use Anastrozole (Arimidex, Arimixyl) (1 tablet each three or four days) into the cycle. The duration of post cycle therapy (use Clomid) is two weeks.

Oxandrolone Side Effects

Oxandrolone is an anabolic, but the risks of manifestations of androgenic side effects exists - baldness, acne, etc. At the same time, we note that they are very rare.

Anavar very weakly interacts with 5alfa-reductase, which practically does not lead to the synthesis of such a substance as dihydrotestosterone. This is the most powerful androgen in the human body. This fact suggests that the Anavar cycle does not require the use of drugs like Finasteride.

Like any tablet preparation, the Anavar undergoes the alkylation process in the manufacturing process. Scientists have proven that about a third of the dosage is disposed of in its original form. In comparison with such steroids as Methyltestosterone or Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin, Haloxyl), Oxandrolone can safely be called safe for the liver. The use of this drug in a daily dose of 20 mg for three months does not cause changes in liver function.

Any anabolic can cause a disruption of the balance of lipoprotein compounds and Oxandrolone is no exception. The likelihood of this side effect is directly related to the duration of the cycle and the dosages you use.

Oxandrolone can cause an increase in blood pressure, reduce the endothelial relaxation index of blood vessels, stimulate the processes of hypertrophy of the heart muscle. All these properties of the drug can cause the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. To avoid this side effect, you need to minimize the use of fast carbohydrates, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Also, increasing the amount of omega-fat in the nutrition program in this situation will be very appropriate.

We should not forget that steroids suppress the work of the elements of the pituitary arc. This applies to all AAS without exception. This negative effect on the course of Anavar is weak. If the athlete does not use special auxiliary medications during the cycle, the body will need a lot of time to recover. You should remember that if often the efficiency of the elements of the pituitary axis is falling on your courses, then at some point you will not be able to cope with sides yourself and you will have to seek the help of doctors.

However, this is possible only in those situations when the athletes for a long time did not take steps to eliminate it. With regard to Oxandrolone, a similar side effect is not to be feared, but only with solo use of the drug. Dosage of Anavar from 20 to 40 mg is able to suppress the process of testosterone synthesis only by 25 percent. With 80 mg daily, this figure will be already 80 percent.

On a solo Anavar cycle, you do not need Gonadotropins (HuCog, Fertigyn), and for combined cycles all depends on the AAS used and their dosages. It is also important during post cycle therapy to use Clomid, Tamoxifen (Nolvadex, Nolvaxyl) or Toremifene. That's all the most common side effects that can manifest on the cyle of Oxandrolone.

Where to buy Oxandrolone?

Oxandrolone can be bought in almost all shops selling steroids, but the price of this drug will not be affordable for everyone. Therefore, We offer a wide selection of Oxandrolone for sale from leading manufacturers at relatively low prices and with discounts.

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