Trade Name: Anavar
Compound: Oxandrolone
Strength: 50 mg/pill
Container: 100 Pills in Sachet
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Result
Anavar (AKA Oxandrolone)
Chemical Name: 17β-hydroxy-17α-methyl-2-oxa-5α-androstane-3-one
Molecular Weight: 306.44 g/mol
Formula: C19H30O3
Half Life: 9 hours
Detection Time: 3 weeks
Anabolic Rating: 322 - 630
Androgenic Rating: 24
Effective Dosage for Men: 20 - 100 mg/day
Effective Dosage for Women: 2.5 - 20 mg/day
Stack With: Methenolone (buy Primobolan), Winstrol (buy Winstrol Depot), Fluoxymesterone (buy Halotestin), Mesterolone (buy Proviron), Trenbolone (buy Parabolan) for best results.
Use For: Cutting cycles.
For the first time, Anavar was created by employees of the American company Searle in 1964. This drug was actively used in medicine to stimulate linear growth processes in children, as well as in the treatment of osteoporosis in women. Anavar helps to increase the speed of protein production processes and delays calcium in the body, thereby increasing the mineralization of bone tissue. Fast enough Anavar was noticed by athletes who started to use this steroid to increase endurance. To solve a similar problem, this drug is also used in those power disciplines in which athletes need to remain within their weight category.
Some athletes have contraindications to the use of Testosterone, and in such a situation, Anavar is the only drug that can help to improve athletic performance. When using certain combinations with other AAS, Anavar will be an excellent drug for gaining muscular mass of excellent quality. This drug can be used by women in daily dosages from 20 to 40 mg. This ensures no side effects, for example, virilization. In similar quantities, this drug is used by cyclical sports to increase endurance.
In bodybuilding, men use higher dosages, namely from 50 mg to 150 mg. It should be noted that pro-athletes often use this drug to conduct bridges between AAS cycles and in this case, from 30 to 40 mg of anabolic should be taken daily. Anavar for sportswomen is an ideal choice.
With the help of this drug, women can improve their sports performance and at the same time maintain femininity. To maintain a constant hormonal background, the daily dosage of this drug should be divided into three equivalent doses. Exceeding the above dosages does not contribute to an increase in the effectiveness of the cycle, which makes this step impractical.
This drug is able to enhance the power of other AAS, and from this point of view, its combination with Oxymetholone (buy Oxymetholone) and Methandienone (buy Dianabol) is very effective. If you have contraindications to the use of exogenous Testosterone, then Anavar should be combined with Nandrolone (buy Deca 300) for carrying out powerful mass-gathering cycles. During the cutting period, we can recommend the use of this anabolic in combination with Clenbuterol (buy Clenbuterol), Stanozolol or Fluoxymesterone. As a result, you will be able to gain quality muscular mass, excess water in a short time will be disposed of.
Immediately it should be said that Anavar is not a mass-gathering drug, if we talk about its solo use. However, when Anavar is combined with other AAS, the situation changes radically. At the same time, this drug is more often used for cutting and here it reveals its full potential.
When observing the appropriate dietary nutrition program, Anavar significantly speeds up the utilization of fatty tissues. This is largely due to the ability of the drug not only to stabilize, but also to increase the number of androgen receptors located in adipose tissues.
Due to the fat burning properties and the ability to increase physical parameters, Anavar is an excellent steroid for preparing for competitions. Very important is the fact that the metabolites of this drug are excreted from the body in a short time (about 12 days). To date, Anavar is the safest AAS and, if used correctly, can be very effective.
Our steroid store offers You the chance to buy Anavar safely here.
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Trade Name: Anavar
Compound: Oxandrolone
Strength: 10 mg/pill
Container: 100 Pills in Sachet
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Result
Apr 4, 2023 (13:40)
Great Product.... Great pumps. Gets you vascular... No side effects.