Exemestane (Aromasin) (5 Offers)

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US Domestic & International
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Dragon Pharma, Europe

Trade Name: Aromasin
Compound: Exemestane
Strength: 25 mg/pill
Container: 100 Pills in Sachet
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma

105.00 USD  
US Domestic & International
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Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Trade Name: Aromaxyl
Compound: Exemestane
Strength: 25 mg/pill
Container: 30 Pills in Sachet
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
44.00 USD  
US Domestic & International
Buy Exemestane Tablets Online
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Trade Name: Exemestane Tablets
Compound: Exemestane
Strength: 25 mg/pill
Container: 50 Pills
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
58.00 USD  
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Trade Name: Exeplex
Compound: Exemestane
Strength: 25 mg/pill
Container: 50 Pills
Manufacturer: Axiolabs

58.00 USD  
Buy Xtane Online
Natco Pharma, India
Trade Name: Xtane
Compound: Exemestane
Strength: 25 mg/pill
Container: 30 Pills
Manufacturer: Natco Pharma
95.00 USD  

Buy Exemestane (Aromasin) for Bitcoins - Real Aromasin

Exemestane is an excellent anti-estrogen, which is not inferior to Anastrozole (Arimidex) by its effectiveness. It should be noted that this drug is able to fight not only with the consequences of high aromatization, but also with their cause. Reducing the concentration of female hormones when using Exemestane is irreversible. If you are looking for a powerful antiestrogen, then we recommend you to buy Exemestane.

Exemestane Effects

Exemestane is a potent aromatase inhibitor that is used by bodybuilders on strong steroids cycles. Often, athletes compare this drug with another popular anti-estrogen, Tamoxifen (Nolvadex). Of course, the effectiveness of suppressing the process of aromatase by Exemestane significantly exceeds Tamoxifen.

At the same time, they are designed to solve various problems. If Tamoxifen is more effective during post-cycle therapy, then Exemestane is most often used directly on the AAS cycle. Note that the molecular structure of Exemestane is largely similar to androstenedione. At the same time, Exemestane practically does not have androgenic properties, and estrogen and progestagenic activity is completely deprived.

Exemestane Dosage and Cycles

Exemestane cycle is to start with use in an amount of 25 mg every second or third day. This dosage is prophylactic and is used in cases where side effects did not manifest. If you notice signs of gynecomastia, then you should start taking 25 mg each day, which corresponds to one tablet.

If you take this drug simultaneously with food or immediately after that, the indicator of biological activity of this antiestrogen will increase by 45 percent. Also it is necessary to warn athletes who have problems with kidneys or liver, that the activity increases several times in the activity, although the recommended doses remain the same. Thus, you should carefully approach the use of Exemestane.

Where to buy Exemestane?

You can easily buy Exemestane on our store, from popular brands as: Dragon Pharma, Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, British Dragon, AxioLabs.

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