Testosterone Enanthate (8 Offers)

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Buy Testosterone Enanthate for Bitcoins - Real Test E Sale

On the market, Testosterone Enanthate appeared almost simultaneously with another prolonged ester of male hormone - Cypionate. At the same time, it was Enanthate that was the first steroid to have a long life on the basis of an oily solution. For a long time, this anabolic was used in medicine and almost immediately came into the sport.

At first it was out of competition among athletes, but after reviewing the scheme of application of Cypionate, somewhat lost its position in the West. Domestic bodybuilders continue to actively use it, preferring another long Testosterone containing steroid.

Testosterone Enanthate Steroid Profile

This is a long-acting steroid. Depending on the metabolism and hormonal background, the average period of the drug is 2-3 weeks.
Anabolic activity - 100% of testosterone (moderate)
Androgenic activity - 100% of testosterone (high)
Influence on liver - low
Increase in estradiol: high
Increase in prolactin: no.

The average period of life is 2 weeks. This allows us to calculate the approximate date when the drug should be removed immediately before cutting. For example, Sustanon, in contrast to Testosterone Enanthate, acts unpredictably and according to some data its half-life is more than a month, which can speak of excessive water retention in the body.

Testosterone Enanthate Effects

According to the subjective reviews of many athletes, Testosterone Enanthate delays relatively less water than Sustanon and its analogues, which in turn affects the quality of the increase in dry muscle mass.

According to the results of scientific research, Testosterone Enanthate is an excellent contraceptive and thus is suitable as a remarkably effective contraceptive for men.

During the year, careful research was conducted on 230 men and concluded that weekly injections of the testosterone hormone are considered reliable, long-lasting and effective.

Testosterone Enanthate Dosage and Cycles

Usually it is 250-750 mg a week - it depends on the experience of the athlete and its goal, for example, if you make a bridge, then it is enough 250 mg a week. The time of detection of this drug in the case of doping of samples is 3-4 months, while the time of detection of Testosterone Cypionate is already 5-6 months. Most often the course with Testosterone Enanthate is carried out from 7 to 14 weeks. All athletes have their own beliefs about this. Someone likes and suits short courses, and someone long. Naturally, long courses become more effective.

Testosterone Enanthate Cycle for Mass Nr. 1
Now we will introduce you to a cycle that will perfectly suit not only experienced bodybuilders, but also beginners. If you have already had a couple of easy anabolic cycles, then you can try this one. However, it should not be the first for you. Preparations used on cycle:

- Testosterone Enhantate
- Methandienone (Dianoxyl / Dianabol)
- Stanozolol (Stanoxyl / Winstrol Tablets).

This cycle lasts a month and a half, and it should not be prolonged, since the receptors get used to the work of steroids and thereby reduce their effectiveness.

The scheme of cycle:
- Testosterone Enanthate is injected only once in seven days, and a single dose of the drug will be 250 mg.
- For the first 25 days, take 4 Methandienone tablets daily (1 tablet every 4 hours).
- Starting from the 26th day of the cycle, replace Methandienone with Stanozolol, taking it in a similar Methandienone scheme.

To suppress aromatization, Anastrozole (Arimdex / Arimixyl) is used, and during post cycle therapy, take Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid / Clomixyl).

Testosterone Enanthate Cycle for Mass Nr. 2
This course is based on two testosterone esters - Enanthate and Propionate. The duration of drug use is two months. A short ester should be injected every 2nd day in the amount of 100 mg, and Enanthate injected once a week for 250 mg. To increase the anabolic background in this cycle, you can use a tableted anabolic, but at the same time reduce the lump of the dose of Propionate by half. However, even using only the esters of male hormone, the results will be excellent.

Testosterone Enanthate Side Effects

Any Testosterone ester is prone to converting into estrogens (short in this regard look more attractive), then during the use of Testosterone Enanthate, there may be side effects of this type - gynecomastia, the appearance of edema on the body due to the delay of a large amount of water. To combat them, it is necessary to use preparations of the aromatase inhibitor group, for example, Mesterolone (Proviron / Proviroxyl), Anastrozole, Letrozole (Letroxyl / Femara), etc.

The risk of manifestations of all side effects directly depends on the duration of the cycle and the dosages you use. This applies to all types of side effects, because the cycle of Testosterone Enanthate can also manifest androgenic sides - alopecia, acne, etc.

The cause of these side effects, is the ability of all testosterone-containing AAS to interact with 5α-reductase. As a result of this reaction, a substance such as dihydrotestosterone is formed. This is the most powerful androgen in the human body. To combat side effects of this type, you should use special drugs, for example, Finasteride.

Any anabolic can cause a disruption in the balance of lipoprotein compounds and Enanthate is no exception. The likelihood of this side effect is directly related to the duration of the cycle and the dosages you use. As we know, Testosterone Enanthate does not have a toxic effect on the liver, but at the same time it can disrupt the lipid synthesis process by this organ. It is with this that the possible risks of reducing the concentration of high-density lipoprotein compounds are associated.

Testosterone Enanthate can cause increased blood pressure, reduce the endothelial relaxation index of blood vessels, stimulate the processes of hypertrophy of the heart muscle and thicken the blood circulation. All these properties of the drug can cause the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. To avoid this side effect, you need to minimize the use of fast carbohydrates, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Also, increasing the amount of omega-fat in the nutrition program in this situation will be very appropriate.

We should not forget that steroids suppress the work of the elements of the pituitary arc. This applies to all AAS without exception. This negative effect on the course of Enanthate can be very active. If the athlete does not use special auxiliary medications during the cycle, his body will need a lot of time to recover.

You should remember that if often the efficiency of the elements of the pituitary axis is reduced in your courses, then at some point you will not be able to cope with the sides yourself and you will have to seek the help of doctors. However, this is possible only in those situations when the athletes for a long time did not take steps to eliminate it.

To eliminate these side effects when using large doses of Enanthate on a long time interval, you should already use Gonadotropins (Fertigyn / HuCoG 5000 / HuCoG 10000) into the second week of the cycle. It is also important during the post cycle therapy to use Clomiphene, Tamoxifen (Nolvadex / Nolvaxyl) or Toremifene. That's all the most common side effects that can occur on the course of Testosterone Enanthate.

Where to Buy Testosterone Enanthate?

You can buy Testosterone Enanthate in our online store. Fast delivery and discrete packaging are just a small part of what we provide to our customers.

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