Methyltrienolone (Oral Tren) (2 Offers)

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Buy Oral Tren Online
Dragon Pharma, Europe

Trade Name: Oral Tren
Compound: Methyltrienolone
Strength: 250 mcg/pill
Container: 100 Pills in Sachet
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma

40.00 USD  
Buy Ortrexyl Online
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India
Trade Name: Ortrexyl
Compound: Methyltrienolone
Strength: 250 mcg/pill
Container: 100 Pills in Sachet
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
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Buy Methyltrienolone for Bitcoins - Real Metribolone Sale

Methyltrienolone is an extremely potent oral anabolic steroid which was first developed in the mid 1960's and is considered one of the most anabolic steroids ever made. It was first used to treat advanced breast cancer and, although successful, was decidedly too harsh on the body. It has strong anabolic properties and is very effective at promoting muscle tissue growth. Although a risky steroid, a minority of bodybuilders still use Metribolone thanks to its low price and potency.

Methyltrienolone Dosage

Methyltrienolone, which is as much as 300 times more potent than testosterone, can have a measurable effect on an individual with as little a dosage as .5 mg a day. It has no estrogenic activity and thus it does not cause water retention which can hide muscles. This results in lean muscle gain which ends up looking very defined and hard. However, due to its binding affinity to progesterone, Methyltrienolone can still produce undesirable side effects (detailed below), especially when stacked with other estrogen promoting steroids. Methyltrienolone works by enhancing the body's ability to absorb nutrients from food, build muscles with protein and nitrogen, lower stress hormone levels (such as cortisol), and raise the body's red blood cell count. It is most useful as a pre-contest cutting agent.

Unfortunately, the downfall of this steroid is its high toxicity which can damage the liver quite dramatically. As one may expect, Methyltrienolone is not recommended for therapeutic purposes nor is it advised for inexperienced bodybuilders. Users should be very careful and adhere strictly to the instructions following. Within the bodybuilding community it is suggested that users take a dosage of no more than 500-750 mcg per day for no more than 4 weeks. Women should not take Methyltrienolone, not only for its deleterious liver effects, but also for its strong masculinizing effects. Metribolone should be ingested on an empty stomach as fat from foods can absorb the drug thus decreasing effectiveness. Users should also refrain from using any other oral steroids and from drinking while on Metribolone as their liver is already being taxed significantly.

Methyltrienolone Side Effects

Side effects can include increased body hair growth, acne, oily skin, testosterone suppression, male pattern hair loss, increased liver toxicity, decreased libido and erectile dysfunction, gynecomastia (progesterone), and negatively affect lipid and cholesterol levels (which can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease). Users should have their liver monitored by a doctor regularly to avoid damaging it. Liver detoxifiers are recommended if using Methyltrienolone. However, many of these side effects can be alleviated with the proper supplements. Dosages beyond those recommended can result in jaundice. Women, who are not advised to take Methyltrienolone, are at risk for masculinization, such as a change in skin texture, deepening in their voice, body and facial hair growth, menstrual irregularities, and clitoris enlargement. If such symptoms occur, users should stop taking Metribolone immediately as the changes could become permanent.

Due to its toxicity, Methyltrienolone is largely restricted to research use in laboratories. It has never been officially released to the public in North America or anywhere else. Despite this some may find Metribolone through underground labs on the black market. Users are warned that these labs have no health codes.


Molecular formula: C19H24O2
Molecular weight: 284.392 g/mol
Effective dose (Men): 500-750 mcg per week
Effective dose (Women): Not recommended
Active life: 4-6 hours
Anabolic/Androgenic ratio (range): 12,000-30,000/6,000-7,000

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