Stanozolol (Winstrol) (16 Offers)

Trade Name: Winstrol
Compound: Stanozolol
Strength: 50 mg/ml
Container: 10 ml Vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Result

Trade Name: Winstrol
Compound: Stanozolol
Strength: 10 mg/pill
Container: 100 Pills in Sachet
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Result

Trade Name: Winstrol
Compound: Stanozolol
Strength: 50 mg/pill
Container: 100 Pills in Blister
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Result

Compound: Stanozolol
Strength: 25 mg/pill
Container: 50 Pills
Manufacturer: Generic Asia
Lab Tested: View Result
Buy Stanozolol (Winstrol) for Bitcoins - Real Stanozolol
Stanozolol is also known as Winstrol, it is available in tablet and injectable forms. Both tablets and injections have certain harm to the liver. However, it is still a fairly safe anabolic steroid, which is suitable, including for women. Initially, the drug was used to ensure that horses on horse racing ran faster, as well as to treat many diseases in animals. However, soon bodybuilders and athletes noticed the positive effect of this drug and began to use it to improve the effectiveness of their training.
Stanozolol Steroid Profile
- The active component of the drug is active for 24 hours from the time of its administration.
- This preparation has anabolic and androgenic properties in the ratio of 320 to 30 in comparison with Testosterone.
- It has an average toxicity against liver.
- As there is no estrogenic activity in the steroid, side effects of this type do not appear while on cycle.
- Stanozolol is not associated with progestogenic activity.
- The speed of the aromatization process is zero.
- It is not possible to convert to dihydrotestosterone.
- Suppresses insignificantly the production of body's own testosterone.
- Metabolites of this steroid can be detected during the cycle of 200-2400 days.
Who needs Stanozolol?
Stanozolol is perfect for your main goals are:
- Building beautiful muscles
- Improving strength and endurance
- Burning excess of fats
- Increasing appetite
Stanozolol cycle does not take place in order to gain weight, for this purpose other steroids are intended, which can often be combined with this drug. The most important thing is to make sure that their joint application does not harm your health. In the rest, it's an excellent option to make your workouts more effective in several directions at once. For example, Testosterone will increase the effect of Winstrol several times.
Stanozolol Cycles
Solo cycle of this drug lasts no more than six weeks and requires an additional purchase of sports nutrition, so that the effect will be maximum. Dosages vary from 40 to 70 mg of substance per day, and the duration of the cycle is not more than 7 weeks.
Cycle Nr. 1 For Quality Muscle Mass:
The cycle lasts 25 days and you will use two drugs: Stanozolol (Winstrol, Stanoxyl) and Methandrostenolone (Dianabol, Dianoxyl). Take both drugs daily for two tablets. A couple of days after the completion of cycle, it is necessary to begin post cycle therapy using Tamoxifen (Nolvadex, Nolvaxyl).
Cycle Nr. 2 For Quality Muscle Mass:
Thanks to this cycle, you will have the opportunity to gain a quality muscle mass in almost complete absence of muscle loss after its completion. Sustanon should be injected once a week in the amount of 250 mg. Stanozolol and Methandienone are taken daily by two tablets. However, you can first use Methandienone (three or four first weeks), and then replace it with Stanozolol, respectively. Since Sustanon is able to convert into estrogens, it is necessary to include Anastrozole (Arimidex, Arimixyl) into the composition of the cycle. Clomid is the best choice for post cycle therapy.
Cycle Nr. 3 For Quality Muscle Mass:
This cycle can be safely considered to be used during the cutting period, since fatty tissues will be quickly burned by the action of these two steroids. Its duration is one and a half months, after which it is necessary to conduct post cycle therapy. Every second day, inject 100 mg 0.1 grams of short Testosterone ester - Propionate, and Stanozolol is taken daily - four tablets.
Powerful Cycle for Cutting:
Stanozolol has a high bioavailability and, according to many pro builders, is one of the best means for cutting. Similar words can often be heard in relation to Clenbuterol. If you combine these drugs in one cycle, it will be possible in a short time to improve the constitution of your body.
Let's notice, that it is not necessary to conduct a cycle more than seven weeks. Both preparations are used in the following dosages:
- Each day, take four tablets of Stanozolol.
- Clenbuterol enters the cycle from the second week. First take one tablet (week 2), then two (week 3), and at the fourth week the dosage will be four tablets. After this, also gradually reduce the amount of this drug.
Post cycle therapy after such a cycle consists in using Clomid for ten days.
Stanozolol Side Effects
Stanozolol does not allow you to increase muscle mass and works exactly on cutting, which is also important if you are professionally engaged in bodybuilding and want to cut out. Note that most builders consider it a safe drug and you can agree with this.
However, this fact does not mean that you can overestimate the recommended dosages. This step is unreasonable even when using the lightest AAS. On a cycle with this anabolic, you can do it without anti-estrogens, but only if combinations with flavoring preparations are not used.
Stanozolol has androgenic properties, which in theory can cause the development of such negative effects as acne, alopecia, etc. However, these effects are practically not manifested and largely depend on the genetic predisposition. In their responses, body-builders talk about them very rarely.
Stanozolol is able to cause an increase in the blood pressure parameter, reduce the ability of the walls of blood vessels to relax, stimulate the processes of hypertrophy of the heart muscle. All these properties of the drug can cause the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. To avoid this side effect, you need to minimize the use of fast carbohydrates, saturated fatty acids and lipoproteins.
Also, increasing the amount of omega-fat in the nutrition program in this situation will be very appropriate. We should not forget that steroids suppress the work of the elements of the pituitary arc. This applies to all AAS without exception. The more powerful is the drug, the stronger is its negative impact.
If an athlete does not use special auxiliary medications on the cycle, then the body needs a lot of time to recover. In addition, it must be said that hypogonadotropic hypogonadism can go to the second stage. True, this is possible only in cases where athletes for a long time did not take steps to eliminate it. For this, during long cycle it is necessary to use Gonadotropin (HuCoG, Fertigyn).
Recall that now we are talking about combined cycles, as Winstrol solo is used extremely rarely. Also, the use of Tamoxifen or Clomid during the period of post cycle therapy promotes the rapid restoration of the working capacity of the hormonal system. In fairness, we note that when using the drug in recommended dosages, there is no need to worry about a significant suppression of the synthesis of testosterone. Do not forget that Winstrol can dry joints and use it in combination with Testosterone.
It should be remembered that Stanozolol is a tablet preparation and in the manufacturing process it undergoes an alkylation procedure. This is done in order to minimize the process of destruction of the active component in the liver and increase the effectiveness of the drug. To relieve the body of powerful stress, take Stanozolol maximum for eight weeks. In addition, after the end of the anabolic cycle, it is recommended to undergo a course of hepatoprotectors to completely restore the liver's ability to work. Remember that in the first place you should worry about your health and do not exceed recommended dosages. Only in this way you can be guaranteed to avoid side effects.
Where to Buy Stanozolol?
Stanozolol is worth buying if you want to fix the result by typing. Since there is no difference in effectiveness between injections and tablets, it is worth choosing the latter option, for those who are afraid of injections.
The price of the drug is quite low, so it became so popular. The most important is that you do not accidentally get a fake from an unverified steroids store. We receive the product first-hand and can guarantee you clean and quality Stanozolol for sale.