HCG (Chorionic Gonadotropins) (13 Offers)

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US Domestic & International
Buy HCG 2500 IU Online
Dragon Pharma, Europe

Trade Name: HCG 2500 IU
Compound: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Strength: 2500 IUs/vial
Container: 2 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Result

45.00 USD  
Lab Tested
US Domestic & International
Buy HCG 5000 IU Online
Dragon Pharma, Europe

Trade Name: HCG 5000 IU
Compound: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Strength: 5000 IUs/vial
Container: 2 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Result

75.00 USD  
Buy Fertigyn 10000 IU Online
Sun Pharma, India
Trade Name: Fertigyn 10000 IU
Compound: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Strength: 10000 IU/mL
Container: 1 Amp [2 mL per Amp]
Manufacturer: Sun Pharmaceuticals
31.00 USD  
Buy Fertigyn 2000 IU Online
Sun Pharma, India
Trade Name: Fertigyn 2000 IU
Compound: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Strength: 2000 IU/mL
Container: 1 Amp [2 mL per Amp]
Manufacturer: Sun Pharmaceuticals
27.00 USD  
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Sun Pharma, India

Trade Name: Fertigyn
Compound: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Strength: 5000 IU/amp
Container: 1 ml Amp
Manufacturer: Sun Pharma

29.00 USD  
Buy HuCoG 10000 IU Online
Bharat Serums And Vaccines Ltd, India

Trade Name: HuCoG
Compound: Pre-mixed Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Strength: 10000 IU/amp
Container: 1 ml Amp
Manufacturer: Bharat Serums And Vaccines

40.00 USD  
Buy HuCoG 5000 IU Online
Bharat Serums And Vaccines Ltd, India

Trade Name: HuCoG
Compound: Pre-mixed Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Strength: 5000 IU/amp
Container: 1 ml Amp
Manufacturer: Bharat Serums And Vaccines

37.00 USD  
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Organon Ilaclari, Turkey

Trade Name: Pregnyl
Compound: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Strength: 5000 IU/amp
Container: 1 ml Amp Solvent Containing
1 ml Sodium Chloride Solution for Injection 0.9% W/V
Manufacturer: Organon

43.00 USD  
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US Domestic & International
Buy HCG 5000 IU Online
Stealth Labs
Trade Name: HCG 5000 IU
Compound: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Strength: 5000 IU/vial
Container: 2 mL Vial in Human Peptide Hormone
Manufacturer: Stealth Labs USA
Lab Tested: View Result
Shipped Without Label!
70.00 USD  
Buy Choriomon 5000 IU Online
IBSA, Turkey
Trade Name: Choriomon 5000 IU
Compound: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Strength: 5000 IU/Vial
Container: 1 Vial
Manufacturer: IBSA
Out of stock
Buy Corion 5000 IU Online
Trade Name: Corion
Compound: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Strength: 5000 IU
Container: 1 Vial
Manufacturer: Win-Medicare
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Buy HCG 5000 IU Online
Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.
Trade Name: HCG 5000 IU
Compound: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Strength: 5000 IU
Container: 1 Vial [1 mL per Vial] + 1 Amp of Solvent
Manufacturer: LivZon
Out of stock
Buy Pregnyl 1500 IU Online
Organon Ilaclari, Turkey

Trade Name: Pregnyl 1500 IU
Compound: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Strength: 1500 IU/amp
Container: 1 mL Amp
Manufacturer: Organon

Out of stock

Buy Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for Bitcoins

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - a natural hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy unchanged in urine output and processed for the production of drugs. As a pharmaceutical preparation (lyophilized injectables), it is widespread in the traditional and sport medicine: applied on the testimony of menstrual disorders in women to androgen deficiency in men.

Chemically hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a glycoprotein consisting of a (alpha) and b (beta) subunits: a-subunit is identical with those of the TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) and b -subunit is unique. Structurally, it consists of a sequence of 237 amino acids.

By action, Gonadotropin is a multifunctional hormone: it possesses the biological properties of both FSH and LH, binding to both types of gonadotropic receptors; but! Luteinizing properties in it are predominant - they exceed those of the luteinizing hormone itself.

The effects of the Gonadotropin as a pharmaceutical formulation for men - stimulation of the synthesis of sex hormones in testes, increasing spermatogenesis, improved erectile function, increasing libido, sexual organs and the development of secondary sexual characteristics; For women - stimulation of the synthesis of sex hormones in the ovaries and progesterone in the yellow body, provoking ovulation, maintaining the development of the placenta.

The Gonadotropin hormone is produced only in the body of women, but this does not negate its effectiveness for men. It starts to be produced in the tissues of the chorion for about 7 days after fertilization of the ovulum, acting as a key indicator of the presence and safe passage of pregnancy. Its maximum concentration is observed at ≈ 7-11 weeks of pregnancy, after which it slowly but irreversibly decreases.

HCG (Chorionic Gonadotropins) Usage and Administration

The average recommended HCG dosage for athletes is 500-1500 IU per week. For an even action background, a weekly dose is usually divided into injections on equidistant days: for example, 500 IU are injected on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

The use of Gonadotropin is effectively connected to steroid cycles (starting from the middle or closer to the end of the cycle and lasting at least 3 weeks), rather than on post-cycle therapy (at the end of the cycle). The expediency of its use on PCT raises doubts, because by that time complications can already form and not give in to treatment with Gonadotropic drugs.

It is important to understand that HCG injections are justified to prevent side effects of anabolic steroids (as the suppression of production of Testosterone and the resulting testicular atrophy, oligospermia, decrease in libido and erectile function).

Athletes who are correctly administering Gonadotropin leave only positive reviews, but warn that when abused, it is capable of provoking side effects. Probable acne, increased aggression, water retention, coarsening of the voice, high blood pressure, gynecomastia and others, typical of Testosterone disorders. This is due to the specific action of the drug.

In sports, before using human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), it is recommended to consult a specialist to exclude contraindications: hypersensitivity, allergic reactions, and sex hormone dependent tumors - in both sexes; Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome - in women; Inguinal hernia, operations in the groin and the wrong position of the testicles - in men.

Where to buy Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)?

You can buy HCG economically and safely in our online steroid store. Working for clients from all over the World, BuySteroids.ws provides a wide range of products and comfortable conditions for their purchase.

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