Steroids Articles
Most people take steroids in a particular order and for a particular amount of time, called a cycle. Each cycle lasts from six to twelve weeks or more. In an attempt to further enhance the way steroids work, some bodybuilders try either or both of these two methods of use:
Bodybuilders frequently take two or more anabolic steroids together, mixing oral and/or injectable types, sometimes adding drugs such us stimulants or painkillers. The rationale for stacking is a belief, as yet unproven, that the different drugs interact to produce a greater effect on muscle size that could be obtained by simple increasing the dose of a single drug. It also decreases the likelihood that the user will develop a tolerance to one type of steroid.
Using this technique, a bodybuilder begins by using low doses of a substance and then gradually increases the doses for six to twelve weeks. In the second half of the cycle, he or she slowly decreases the doses to zero. In some cases, a second cycle follows, during which the person continues to train with weights but doesn’t take steroids. Bodybuilders believe that pyramiding allows the body time to adjust to the high doses, and the drug-free cycle allows time for the body’s hormonal system to recuperate. As with stacking, the perceived benefits of pyramiding have not been proven by any scientific testing.
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When using steroids for athletic or performance enhancing purposes, they are almost exclusively administered in specific doses over set periods of time. This process is called a “cycle.” By employing a system of timed doses, a user can maximize their gains while at the same time maintaining a high degree of control over hormone levels within their body.

When administering a steroid cycle, it is important to be as prepared as you can be. You don't want to find yourself in the middle of a cycle and discover you're out of a certain medication, don't have enough syringes or needles, or in a situation or location that prohibits you continuing the cycle normally.

When planning a cycle, especially if it's your first, it is important to take the time to make sure you have everything planned out well in advance. Previously, we'd provided a helpful Cycle Checklist to aid in ensuring you've thought of everything. Today, we're going to look at a more real-world example to show how this applies to your upcoming cycle.

Lots of people do not like needles and that is perfectly logical. It is a natural response to not want sharp things piercing your skin! But unfortunately for steroid users, the other main option is orals, of which most are harsh on the liver and cardiovascular health. If you plan to use steroids for an extended period then intramuscular injection is the way to go. In that vein, this guide will help you to stay safe and minimize discomfort.

Although many of these mistakes can be considered beginners folly, it is still important for bodybuilders at any level to keep these common mistakes in mind when using anabolic/androgenic steroids.

First of all it depends on how big you are! Some people do more and some do less but after a few cycles you’ll probably be able to tell what your body can handle just by the way it responds and feels. The basic guidelines are listed below for you.

Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by development and enlargement of breast tissue is male subjects. It may occur temporarily in newborns and is experienced by half or more of adolescent boys during puberty, though 75% of these cases resolve themselves within 2 years. Gynecomastia is also a common side effect of steroid usage. Increasing the levels of androgens in the body causes estrogen levels to rise as well. This means that in addition to promoting classically male attributes such as large muscles and increased strength, feminine attributes such as breasts can occur.

Choosing the proper post-cycle therapy (PCT) products can be difficult. For those new to steroids, you may be wondering why and the reason is because different steroids present different challenges and, in addition to this, simply the duration of a cycle can alter what drug to use during PCT.

For those new to the world of steroids, it can be a little intimidating. From the whole slew of drugs to choose from, the host of side effects, to the scientific terms, it can be off putting. This is precisely the reason that we have typed up this beginner's cycle example!

Because the ultimate goal of a steroid cycle is to increase strength and muscle size, the associated spike in estrogen which accompanies steroids such as Testosterone is considered undesirable. In order to disassociate the two effects, two classes of drug are used. Medications such as Nolvadex or Clomid target the estrogen receptors. They make it more difficult for the estrogen to exert it’s influence within the body thus allowing the testosterone to act more freely. The second class is aromatase inhibitors such as Femara. They target the aromatase enzyme itself in order to prevent the production of estrogen in the first place. Sometimes, it’s not always clear which option you should go with or even what the differences are between the two. Lets clear that up a little.
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