Testosterone Cypionate (6 Offers)

Trade Name: Testoxyl Cypionate
Compound: Testosterone Cypionate
Strength: 250 mg/ml
Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Note: Warming and shaking the vial
should redissolve any crystals
that may have formed
during storage or shipping at a
temperature lower than recommended

Compound: Testosterone Cypionate
Strength: 250 mg/mL
Container: 5 Amps [1 mL per Amp]
Manufacturer: Generic Asia
Lab Tested: View Result

Trade Name: Cypionat 250
Compound: Testosterone Cypionate
Strength: 250 mg/ml
Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Note: Warming and shaking the vial
should redissolve any crystals
that may have formed
during storage or shipping at a
temperature lower than recommended
Lab Tested: View Result

Compound: Testosterone Cypionate
Strength: 250 mg/mL
Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Stealth Labs USA
Lab Tested: View Result
Shipped Without Label!
Buy Testosterone Cypionate for Bitcoins - Real Test C Sale
For the first time Testosterone Cypionate appeared on the market in the very beginning of the fifties thanks to the efforts of the employees of Pharmacia & Upjohn. At first the drug was not very popular and was only a substitute for Testosterone Enanthate. Although these drugs are almost the same, there is one difference - Cypionate is much less likely to cause local allergic reactions.
In medicine, this drug was used to treat a low content of androgens in the male body. Also, this steroid was actively used to combat menorrhagia, osteoporosis of bone tissues, as well as stimulation of the process of spermatogenesis. In the seventies, the approach to the use of Testosterone Enanthate was revised and after that this drug became very popular among Western athletes, continuing to remain so today.
Testosterone Cypionate Steroid Profile
Anabolic activity - 100% of testosterone (moderate)
Androgenic activity - 100% of testosterone (high)
Influence on liver - low
Increase in estradiol: very high
Increase in prolactin: no.
Testosterone Cypionate is one of the longest esters of testosterone available today. Its half-life in the body is approximately 15 to 16 days. Due to the fact that it acts for such a long period of time, it can cause water retention more than other anabolic steroids. This drug gives good results when conducting a solo cycle.
Testosterone Cypionate Effects
Testosterone Cypionate unlike other esters of testosterone has a very long half-life, therefore it delays a lot of water, which is an advantage in the mass-gaining cycle. This drug can cause excellent pumps in training.
Many athletes express a subjective opinion that Testosterone Cypionate evades slightly more power indicators than Testosterone Enanthate and Sustanon.
Given the long half-life of the drug, it will be enough to inject it only 1-2 times a week in combination with other anabolic steroids.
It is an excellent bulking steroid.
Promotes rapid growth of physical parameters.
Improves the desire to go in for sports.
Strengthens bone tissue.
Supports the suppression of pain in the joints.
Testosterone Cypionate Dosage and Cycles
Testosterone Cypionate is taken from 250 mg to 1000 mg per week. As you can see, the run-through for the dosage is very large and it's easy to understand that 1000 mg is the dosage of an advanced athlete with an impressive muscle mass, and a dosage of 250 mg is more suitable for a beginner or for a steroid bridge. The Testosterone Cypionate cycle is best done from 7 to 10-14 weeks.
The fact is that this drug has a long life time and is very slowly included in the work. Thus, you can feel it no sooner than after 3 or even 4 weeks of its admission. Let's look at a couple of examples of cycles using Testosterone Cypionate:
Testosterone Cypionate Cycle for Mass Nr. 1
Testosterone esters are good in that they provide the opportunity to quickly progress. The cycle, which will now be discussed, can be conducted not only by experienced bodybuilders, but also by beginners. If you already have a couple of light anabolic cycles behind you, then you can safely try this one.
It consists of Testosterone Cypionate, Methandienone and Stanozolol. This cycle lasts a month and a half, and it should not be prolonged, since the receptors get used to the work of steroids and thereby reduces their effectiveness. The scheme of the course:
- Testosterone is injected once every seven days in the amount of 250 mg.
- For the first 25 days, take four tablets of Methandienone (Dianoxyl /Dianabol) daily, dividing the dose into equidistant receptions.
- Starting from the 26th day of the cycle, replace Methandienone with Stanozolol (Stanoxyl / Winstrol) and take it according to a similar scheme.
To suppress aromatization, Anastrozole (Arimixyl / Arimidex) is used, and during post cycle therapy, take Clomiphene (Clomid / Clomixyl).
Testosterone Cypionate Cycle for Mass Nr. 2
This cycle includes two Testosterone esters - Cypionate and Propionate. Duration of use of drugs is two months. A short ester should be entered every 2nd day in the amount of 100 mg, and Cypionate once a week for 250 mg. To increase the anabolic background in the cycle, you can use a tableted anabolic, for example, Oral Turinabol (Turanabol / Turanaxyl). However, without this you can get excellent results.
Testosterone Cypionate Side Effects
Since all Testosterone esters are prone to converting into estrogens (short to a lesser extent), side effects of this type may occur during the use of Testosterone Cypionate. To such it is necessary to rank gynecomastia, the appearance of edema on the body due to the delay of a large amount of water. To combat them, it is necessary to use preparations of the aromatase inhibitor group, for example, Mesterolone (Proviron / Proviroxyl) or Anastrozole.
The risk of manifestations of all side effects directly depends on the duration of the cycle and the dosages you use. This applies to all types of side effects, because in the course of Testosterone Cypionate may also appear androgenic sides - alopecia, acne, etc.
These side effects appears due to the ability of all Testosterones to interact with 5α-reductase. As a result of this reaction, a substance such as dihydrotestosterone is formed. This is the most powerful androgen in the human body. To combat side effects of this type, you should use special drugs, for example, Finasteride.
Any anabolic can cause a disturbance in the balance of lipoprotein compounds and Cypionate is no exception. The likelihood of this side effect is directly related to the duration of the course and the dosages you use. As we know, Testosterone Cypionate does not have a toxic effect on the liver, but at the same time it can disrupt the process of lipid synthesis by this organ. It is with this that the possible risks of reducing the concentration of high-density lipoprotein compounds are associated.
Testosterone Cypionate can cause increased blood pressure, reduce the endothelial relaxation index of blood vessels, stimulate the processes of hypertrophy of the heart muscle and thicken the blood circulation. All these properties of the drug can cause the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. To avoid this side effect, you need to minimize the use of fast carbohydrates, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Also, increasing the amount of omega-fat in the nutrition program in this situation will be very appropriate.
We should not forget that steroids suppress the work of the elements of the pituitary arc. This applies to all AAS without exception. This negative effect on the course of Testosterone Cypionate can be very active. If an athlete does not use special auxiliary medications during the cycle, the body will need a lot of time to recover.
To eliminate these side effects, you should already in the second week of the cycle to introduce into its composition Gonadotropins (HuCoG 5000 / HuCoG 10000 / Fertigyn). It is also important during the post cycle therapy to use Clomiphene or Tamoxifen (Nolvadex / Nolvaxyl). That's all the most common side effects that can manifest on the cycle of Testosterone Cypionate.
Where to Buy Testosterone Cypionate?
You can buy Testosterone Cypionate always in our online store.