Buy Testoxyl Cypionate 250 Online
Testosterone Cypionate

Testoxyl Cypionate 250

48.00 USD

Trade Name: Testoxyl Cypionate
Compound: Testosterone Cypionate
Strength: 250 mg/ml
Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Note: Warming and shaking the vial
should redissolve any crystals
that may have formed
during storage or shipping at a
temperature lower than recommended

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Testoxyl Cypionate 250 Detailed

Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Testoxyl Cypionate for Sale

Testoxyl Cypionate (AKA Testosterone Cypionate)
Chemical Name: 17b-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one
Molecular Weight: 412.6112 g/mol
Formula: C27H40O3
Half Life: 8 days
Detection Time: 3 months
Anabolic Rating: 100
Androgenic Rating: 100
Effective Dosage for Men: 300 - 2000 mg/week
Effective Dosage for Women: Not recommended
Stack With: Nandroxyl, Boldaxyl, Anadroxyl, Dianoxyl for best results.
Use For: Bulking cycles.

Testoxyl Cypionate is an injectable anabolic steroid which was first developed in the 1950s. It features a slow release thanks to its ester. Testoxyl Cypionate has generally been used in a medical setting in the treatment of androgen deficient individuals but was at one time used to treat excessive lacation in women, and improving the muscles and bones of the elderly. Testosterone cypionate, despite its age and unsophistication when compared to newer products, still remains one of the top bulking choices, especially in the U.S., amongst those seeking performance enhancements.

Testoxyl Cypionate, just as all Testosterone based steroids do, aromatizes estrogen and results in significant water retention. Although this artificially raises weight and hides muscles gains, it protects the muscles and the joints while the testosterone promotes muscle growth. Testosterone cypionate works by promoting nitrogen retention in the body's muscles which, in turn, allows more protein to be stored thus allowing more rapid growth of the tissue. It also increases IGF-1 production which is a naturally occurring anabolic in the body. Red blood cell levels should also increase meaning a higher VO2 max is possible. It also boosts recovery times, energy, and one's sex drive. Testoxyl Cypionate is generally used for bulking purposes although it can be used effectively while cutting if the user is on a strict diet. It is not recommended for women due to its strong masculinizing properties.

Injections of Testoxyl Cypionate, unlike some other esterified testosterones, are not known to be painful and users will find that Testoxyl Cypionate is a much easier testosterone to administer on a frequent schedule. The bodybuilding community advises between 200-600 mg injections per week for between 6-12 weeks, although some may prefer to divide this amount into two smaller dosages in a week. Amounts greater than those specified are not uncommon with advanced bodybuilders but side effects will become much more pronounced. If used for stacking a smaller dosage should be taken. As for women, the use of Testoxyl Cypionate and other testosterones is highly ill advised due to the fact that it is very difficult to control hormonal levels with slow release drugs.

Testoxyl Cypionate Side Effects

Side effects can include increased estrogen levels (resulting in gynecomastia at high dosages), water retention, body hair growth, acne, oily skin, testosterone suppression, male pattern hair loss, and can negatively affect cholesterol levels and raise blood pressure (although significantly less than other steroids). Men who may be predisposed for hair loss may like to consider less androgenic steroids. Testosterone levels, without any intervention or post-cycle therapy, should return to natural levels within 1-4 months. Women, who are not recommended to take Testoxyl Cypionate, will be at risk of masculinization, such as a deepening in their voice, body and facial hair growth, menstrual irregularities, and clitoris enlargement. Should such symptoms begin to develop, women should cease use immediately to avoid permanent changes. Those using testosterone cypionate are advised to use a step down routine after completing a cycle with the steroid in order to reduce the effects of a post-cycle crash (may not be necessary for cycles less than 10 weeks).

Testoxyl Cypionate is widely available both in the U.S. (prescription) and worldwide legally and on the black market. It comes in amounts of between 50-200 mg of the steroid. Testoxyl Cypionate is produced in India by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals although it is highly prone to counterfeiting. The steroid is also produced under generic names in the U.S. by a number of companies but counterfeiting is still an issue. Make sure to only buy Testoxyl Cypionate product if you can verify its origins. Testosterone cypionate is also produced by a number of international pharmaceuticals.

Testoxyl Cypionate 250 Reviews
Feb 14, 2019 (09:11)

Product used in typical pyramid like the old days and immediate oily skin and increased libido. Big gains this time around and even though my diet is heavy and strict, my weight went from 250 at the beginning to 278 at end.Coming off now so net gain should be good. Ill continue to use this in my cruise phase at minimal dose.

Ill be back

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