Testoxyl Propionate (AKA Testosterone Propionate)
Chemical Name: 4-androstene-3-one, 17beta-ol
Molecular Weight: 288.429 g/mol
Formula: C19H28O2
Half Life: 2 days
Detection Time: 2 - 3 weeks
Anabolic Rating: 100
Androgenic Rating: 100
Effective Dosage for Men: 100 - 200 mg/eod
Effective Dosage for Women: Not recommended
Stack With: Nandroxyl, Boldaxyl, Anadroxyl, Dianoxyl for best results.
Use For: Bulking and cutting cycles.
Testoxyl Propionate has a high anabolic and androgenic activity, promotes quality muscle growth, increases strength, endurance and performance. Its use is not accompanied by high risks of side effects. Within recommended doses, this drug is relatively safe even for beginners.
It is an effective steroid drug for both building muscle mass and for cutting cycles.
Testoxyl Propionate has as active substance - Testosterone Propionate. By its properties, this is a short ester that has all the main effects of Testosterone (anabolic and androgen activity is 100% of endogenous Testosterone) and a duration of up to 2-3 days.
The main effect of Testoxyl Propionate is to increase muscle mass - it promotes a qualitative growth of muscles without excessive accumulation of water and increase in fatty layer. The use of Testosterone Propionate, in comparison with prolonged esters, is accompanied by a minimum water retention, in addition, this steroid shows a fat burning effect. The effects of increasing endurance, efficiency and strength are also paramount. During the cycle, there may be an increase in sexual activity (libido) and appetite of the person who uses it.
Leaving reviews, customers describe Testoxyl Propionate as a quality product, not inferior to its best analogues. Kalpa Pharamceuticals has gained a good reputation and is considered one of the most reliable, since it produces predominantly best anabolic/androgenic steroids.
Possible side effects are due to androgenic (Testosterone is an androgenic steroid) and estrogenic (due to aromatization) effects. Testoxyl Propionate can cause side effects, such as increased aggression, acne, sebaceous skin, gynaecomastia, testicular atrophy, etc., but they are almost completely excluded if the basic instructions (dosage, duration of application, PCT) are observed.
Despite the relative safety, Testoxyl Propionate is recommended only for men. For women it is not prohibited, but to avoid the development of virilization, is advised to use it at low doses. A woman at a dosage of more than 100 mg per week will find it difficult to avoid side effects of virilization.
Testoxyl Propionate dosage for men is about 100 mg every other day. A higher dosage is allowed only for the most experienced athletes. This drug is used for sporting purposes in long-term cycles - on average up to 6-8 weeks (as well as analogues with the active substance Testosterone Propionate, also often are used to fix the results at the exit, or bridge between cycles - doses and duration of its application in such cases are selected exclusively individually).
Testoxyl Propionate
can be used solo in a cycle (Testosterone is a strong enough anabolic and androgenic steroid to provide significant improvements), but optimal results are achieved when it is combined with other steroidal, and not only, drugs.In conjunction with Turinabol, this drug almost without risk of side effects contributes to building a dry muscle mass. At doses of about 100 mg of Testosterone and 40 mg of Turinabol in 6-8 weeks, excellent results are achievable. Such a combined course can be recommended to beginners.
For more experienced athletes - a course that includes the use of Testoxyl Propionate and Trenbolone Acetate. This is a strong stack of anabolic and androgenic steroids, and to normalize Testosterone levels, it may be necessary to use Mesterolone (buy Proviroxyl) (increases free testosterone and enhances libido). Doses - an average of 100 mg of Testosterone and 75-100 mg of Trenbolone with a duration of intake of up to 6-8 weeks.
The use of Testoxyl Propionate on cycle can also be perfectly combined with Drostanolone, Nandrolone, Methandienone, Boldenone, Methenolone and almost any other steroid, depending on goals and experience.
It is recommended to buy Testoxyl Propionate for athletes of different levels of experience in the use of anabolic/androgenic steroids. This is an effective drug even for beginners who choose steroids for their first cycles.
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What You Need:
Testosterone Propionate: 2 x 10 mL Vial
Testosterone Enanthate: 4 x 10 mL Vial
Boldenone: 5 x 10 mL Vial
Masteron P: 5 x 10 mL Vial
Stanozolol: 3 x 100 Pills
Oxandrolone: 7 x 50 Pills
Proviron: 8 x 30 Pills
Aromasin: 1 x 100 Pills
Clomid: 1 x 100 Pills
Jan 13, 2020 (13:34)
Got 4 vials, 8 week cycle, up 13 lbs, much stronger. Was skeptical of the cheap price vs when I used sciroxx. But stuff is legit and just as good with way less pip. Also used their dbol, arimidex, and nolva. Good lab, very impressed.