Buy Haloxyl Online
Fluoxymesterone (Halotest)


70.00 USD
Trade Name: Haloxyl
Compound: Fluoxymesterone
Strength: 10 mg/pill
Container: 50 Pills in Sachet
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
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U.S. Domestic

Haloxyl Detailed

Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Haloxyl for Sale

Haloxyl (AKA Halotestin)
Chemical Name: 9a-fluoro-11b, 17b-dihydroxy-17a-methyl-4-androsten-3-one, 9a-fluoro-11b-hydroxy-17a-methyltestosterone
Molecular Weight: 336.441 g/mol
Formula: C20H29FO3
Half Life: 6 - 9 hours
Detection Time: 2 months
Anabolic Rating: 1900
Androgenic Rating: 850
Effective Dosage for Men: 10 - 20 mg/day
Effective Dosage for Women: Not recommended
Use For: Cutting and fat loss, and pre-contest phases for competitive bodybuilders.

Haloxyl is an oral anabolic steroid which was first developed in the 1950’s. It is very potent and is significantly more androgenic than the testosterone from which it is derived while at the same time the anabolic effects of this agent are considered to be moderate in comparison. Haloxyl has been used medically in treating delayed puberty, male hypogonadism, and breast neoplasms in women. It is much more popular amongst athletes and power lifters than with bodybuilders, but it still has its uses there.

Haloxyl is a non-aromatizing androgen and hence can be used effectively to enhance the level of hardness and density of muscles. For this reason Haloxyl is primarily used by bodybuilders in the lead up to contests because it has no estrogenic activity, thus it does not cause water retention which can hide muscles. The lower an individual’s body fat percentage is, the more apparent and immediate the “ripped” effects will be. As a result Haloxyl is a good choice during cutting cycles when water and fat retention are areas of concern.

It is also employed to boost aggression before working out in order to complete more sets. This is caused by an increase in red blood cell production and an individual’s VO2 max spurred by the drug. With Haloxyl one can more easily increase strength and muscle density with only a minor size increase. Thus Haloxyl is not advised for those seeking bulk but instead for cutting and strength. In fact, it is more likely to burn off fat that to store it.

Some studies have suggested that up to 20 mgs per day may be safe to use without the risk of suppressing natural hormones. Consensus amongst bodybuilders suggests a dosage of 10-40 mgs in cycles no longer than 6-8 weeks. When used in a cutting cycle it is usually stacked with a mild steroid. Haloxyl is not recommended for women due to its strong masculinizing effects nor for men at risk for male pattern hair loss. Haloxyl should be ingested on an empty stomach.

Haloxyl Side Effects

Side effects can include increased body hair growth, acne, oily skin, aggressiveness, Testosterone suppression, liver damage, and negatively affected cholesterol levels. Steroids such as Haloxyl may also exacerbate male pattern hair loss and those inclined to this condition may prefer a milder, less androgenic steroid. Many of these side effects can be alleviated with proper supplements.

Haloxyl and other anabolic/androgenic steroids can also have a negative effect on cholesterol and general cardiovascular health. This is related to a tendency to lower HDL (good) cholesterol while simultaneously increasing LDL (bad) cholesterol. The relative effects in this area are heavily dose dependent though it is still advised to maintain an active cardio exercise regimen to reduce cardiovascular strain.

In addition to cardiovascular concerns, Haloxyl can be hepatotoxic so it is advised that users see a doctor periodically while using Haloxyl to monitor liver function. A liver detoxification supplement is advised while taking Haloxyl. Women, who are not recommended to take Haloxyl, are at risk of masculinization, such as a deepening of their voice, body and facial hair growth, menstrual irregularities, and clitoris enlargement.

Haloxyl tablets typically come in amounts between 2 mgs and 10 mgs. Because Haloxyl is not in high demand it is difficult to find on the black market, although what can be found is generally legitimate. Haloxyl is legally available in Mexico where it is marketed as Stenox.

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