Trade Name: Masteron 100
Compound: Drostanolone Propionate
Strength: 100 mg/ml
Container: 10 ml Vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Masteron 100 by Dragon Pharma is very popular among bodybuilders. This company is located in Europe, which already speaks about the quality of its products. Masteron 100 has high androgenic properties with moderate anabolic effects on body. It is not only a strong steroid, but also a safe one. The active ingredient of this steroid is not prone to aromatization, and the side effects of androgenic type are very rare.
Masteron 100 is recommended for use by men who represent the "iron" sports. Athletes highly appreciate this anabolic for its ability to improve the quality of muscles, increase stiffness, density and muscle relief. You have already realized that this drug will be most effective at the time of cutting. In addition, it should be noted the fact that Masteron 100 can significantly increase the parameters of strength and endurance. This makes it possible to use it in those sports where there is a division into weight categories, let's say, in power triathlon.
The active component of this steroid is Drostanolone Di-Propionate. This is a dihydrotestosterone derivative, which has high rates of androgenic activity with moderate anabolic properties. Since the process of aromatization during its application is impossible, the side effects of estrogenic type are excluded. Moreover, scientists discovered anti-estrogenic properties. Thus, Drostanolone is able to slow down the process of converting male hormones into female hormones.
Duration of Masteron 100 cycle is two to three days, which predetermines a relatively high frequency of injections. As a rule, injections are made on second or maximum third day of the cycle. The metabolites of Drostanolone can be removed from the body for 14 days from the time of the last injection. Thus, this drug can be used immediately before the start of the competition.
This drug has a fairly large list of positive effects, and we note the most significant of them:
It must be said that Masteron 100 is one of the safest AAS used at the moment in sports. As we have already said, this drug is not inclined to interact with the enzyme aromatase, thanks to the injection form it does not load the liver, and the androgenic type sides are extremely rare.
Despite this, Masteron 100 is a strong hormone drug. Athletes need to exercise maximum caution when using this steroid so that the symptoms of virilization do not appear. The recommended dosage for women is 25 mg, and this amount of anabolic should be administered every third day of the cycle.
We recommend this drug to athletes who want to improve the constitution of their body, as well as increase physical parameters, but without gaining muscle mass. Masteron 100 can be effective not only solo, but also in combination with other AAS. Let's talk about what preparations should be combined with Masteron 100. There are many options for effective stacks, since Drostanolone fits well with most modern steroids. Composing a combined course, you can let your fantasy unfold. Limitations in stacks can be caused only by a financial issue.
The most popular combinations for cutting are Testosterone Propionate (buy Propionat 100 / buy Testoxyl Propionate / buy Testosterone P / buy SP Propionate / buy Testodex Propionate) + Masteron 100. Both steroids must be injected in amount of 100 mg every 2nd day of the course. This cycle lasts a month and a half or six weeks. Tamoxifen (buy Nolvadex / buy Nolvaxyl / buy Tamoximed / buy Tamodex) can be used for post-cycle therapy. Use this antiestrogen daily in an amount of 30 mg for 21 days.
For an excellent mass-gaining cycle, a combination of Masteron 100 + Methandienone (buy Danabol / buy Dianabol / buy Dianoxyl / buy SP Methandienone / buy Methanodex) can be used. Methandrostenolone is taken daily in an amount of 30 mg, and Masteron 100 is administered every second day at 100 mg. This cycle can last six or seven weeks. As a result, you will not only gain muscular mass of high quality, but also increase the power parameters. Note that the recommended weekly dosages are in the range from 400 to 500 mg. As we have already said, injections should be made in one or two days. The average duration of cycle involving Masteron 100 is six to ten weeks.
Experienced bodybuilders already know that today AAS can not be bought in an ordinary pharmacy. This is connected with the fact that you need a recipe, which is very difficult to get. In addition, the choice of AAS in pharmacies is small, but their cost is clearly too high. Thanks to our store, you can easily buy Masteron 100 here.
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What You Need:
Testosterone Propionate: 2 x 10 mL Vial
Testosterone Enanthate: 4 x 10 mL Vial
Boldenone: 5 x 10 mL Vial
Masteron P: 5 x 10 mL Vial
Stanozolol: 3 x 100 Pills
Oxandrolone: 7 x 50 Pills
Proviron: 8 x 30 Pills
Aromasin: 1 x 100 Pills
Clomid: 1 x 100 Pills
Oct 19, 2017 (10:43)
Nice smooth clear oil. No pip at all. Bottles filled up to the max. Tapered dose up from 75mg eod up to 100mg ed. Good product for keeping things running and functioning properly. Vascularity, libido, and drying effects were all present. Little bit of extra aggression noticed while hitting the gym.