Buy Trenboxyl Acetate Online

Trenboxyl Acetate

91.00 USD
Trade Name: Trenboxyl Acetate
Compound: Trenbolone Acetate
Strength: 100 mg/ml
Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Shipping From:
U.S. Domestic

Trenboxyl Acetate Detailed

Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Trenboxyl Acetate for Sale

Trenboxyl Acetate (AKA Trenbolone Acetate, Finajet)
Chemical Name: [17β-Hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one]
Molecular Weight: 312.40 g/mol
Formula: C20H24O3
Half Life:2 - 3 days
Detection Time: 5 months
Anabolic Rating: 500
Androgenic Rating: 500
Effective Dosage for Men: 100 - 300 mg/week
Effective Dosage for Women: Not recommended
Stack With: Nandroxyl, Boldaxyl, Dianoxyl, Injectable Testosterone (Testoxyl Cypionate, Testoxyl Propionate, Testoxyl Enanthate), Sustaxyl, Stanoxyl, Primoxyl for best results.
Use For: Bulking and cutting cycles.

Trenboxyl Acetate is a powerful short-acting anabolic steroid, effective for quality muscle growth, cutting, increasing strength and endurance of the person using it.

This drug has an active substance - Trenbolone Acetate, a short form of the Trenbolone steroid, active for 1-3 days after use. Chemically it is a modification of Nandrolone with increased anabolic (up to 400% of Testosterone) and androgenic (up to 200% of Testosterone) properties.

The first analogs of Trenboxyl Acetate, which also had Trenbolone as active substance, were produced for veterinary purposes. However, athletes quickly took into consideration and, by having shown high efficiency as a steroid, were widely used among amateurs and sports professionals.

Trenboxyl Acetate effects differ in variety: this not only promotes quality muscle growth, fat burning, increased relief and hardness of muscles, but also increases strength, endurance and performance of the user, which makes it relevant for almost any sports disciplines associated with physical activity - from powerlifting to triathlon.

Trenboxyl Acetate: Side Effects

Trenboxyl Acetate is recommended exclusively for men and experienced bodybuilders. For beginners and women, the use of Trenbolone is associated with high risks of side effects . For women in particular is a threat of virilization, which develops due to strong androgenic properties (symptoms like acne, increased aggression and hairiness).

Trenboxyl Acetate side effects for men, can have progestogenic or also androgenic origin: acne, inhibition of Testosterone production, testicular atrophy, increased aggression, baldness, sweating, sebaceous skin, increased blood pressure, gynecomastia and some others. To prevent progestogenic side effect in heavy cycles, you can use an inhibitor of secretion of prolactin - Cabaser (the active substance - Cabergoline).

Trenboxyl Acetate Dosage and Administration

The average dosage of Trenboxyl Acetate for men is 50-100 mg every other day, which equals 0.5-1 ml of the drug. The frequency of injections every other day is explained by active life of this steroid (Trenbolone acetate is active within 1-3 days after injection).

Trenboxyl Acetate cycle can effectively last about 6-8 weeks. This duration of use for majority is quite enough for manifestation of pronounced results in muscle growth, cutting and increase in strength indicators.

Upon Trenboxyl Acetate cycle completion, it requires recovery (due to suppression of Testosterone production and the risk of consequences). On post-cycle therapy use Clomiphene (buy Clomixyl) or Tamoxifen (buy Nolvaxyl), as well as minerals (zinc) and vitamins (A, E) are effectively used for fixing as needed. During a cycle with a high dosage of this drug, you may need: Cabaser (inhibitor of prolactin secretion), Mesterolone (buy Proviroxyl - steroid, increasing free Testosterone and libido) or even hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin for the recovery of Testosterone).

On a cycle, Trenboxyl Acetate can be the only steroid used, but for more optimal effect, a combination is often used: with Turinabol, Methandienone, Testosterone, Drostanolone, Boldenone, Methenolone and other drugs, depending on goals and tolerability of the body.

Examples of combination cycles: for experienced athletes, cutting - with Stanozolol and Testosterone Propionate / Phenylpropionate; for experienced athletes, on strength - with Testosterone Propionate / Phenylpropionate and Fluoxymesterone.

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Undoubtedly, the opportunity to buy Trenboxyl Acetate at an affordable price is of paramount importance for many customers. We are an official supplier of Kalpa Pharmaceuticals products.

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