Buy Primoxyl Online
Methenolone (Primobol)


Trade Name: Primoxyl
Compound: Methenolone Acetate
Strength: 25 mg/pill
Container: 50 Pills in Sachet
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
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Primoxyl Detailed

Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Primoxyl for Sale

Primoxyl (AKA Primobolan)
Chemical Name: 17beta-Hydroxy-1-methyl-5alpha-androst-1-en-3-one, 1-methyl-1(5-alpha)-androsten-3-one-17b-ol
Molecular Weight: 414.621 g/mol
Formula: C27H42O3
Half Life: 2 - 3 days
Detection Time: 4 - 5 weeks
Anabolic Rating: 88
Androgenic Rating: 44 - 57
Effective Dosage for Men: 100 - 150 mg/day
Effective Dosage for Women: 50 - 70 mg/day
Stack With: Dianoxyl, Anadroxyl, Sustaxyl, Haloxyl, Trenboxyl Acetate, Stanoxyl Depot, Oxandroxyl for best results.
Use For: Fat loss and/or cutting cycles.

Primoxyl is a mild oral anabolic steroid which was first developed in the early 1960’s. Medically Primoxyl is used to treat those suffering from wasting and malnutrition. It also sees some use in treating osteoporosis, building muscle mass in some elderly, and to promote weight gain in premature babies and children. It is very similar to Primoxyl 100 except that the latter is an injectable. Unlike most other oral steroids, Primoxyl is easy on the liver with no estrogenic effect.

Primoxyl is primarily used by bodybuilders in the lead up to contests because it has no estrogenic activity and thus it does not come with the risk for gynecomastia, high blood pressure, or water retention which can hide muscles. Primoxyl is not advised for those seeking bulk but instead for cutting and strength as it helps to gain and maintain lean muscle tissue. In fact, it is more likely to burn off fat that to store it which is what makes it very attractive for cutting.

Consensus amongst bodybuilders suggests a dosage of 50-150 mgs per day in cycles no longer than 6-8 weeks. As a mild steroid, Primoxyl is popular for stacking. If you are stacking Primoxyl, no more than 100 mgs should be used a day. Primoxyl has proven useful for female athletes and bodybuilders and women should be able to use Primoxyl safely on dosages of 25 mgs per day, beyond this dosage masculinizing side effects become more likely. Primoxyl should not be ingested with food as fat from foods can absorb it. This is not a concern with the injectable version.

Side effects can include increased body hair growth, acne, oily skin, Testosterone suppression, male pattern hair loss (use Finasteride or Ketoconazole shampoos if this concerns you), liver damage (only with very high dosages), and it can negatively affect cholesterol levels (raising the risk for cardiovascular disease). Many of these side effects can be alleviated with the proper supplements and diet. Testosterone levels should return to their natural levels within 1-4 months after the last use of the steroid (assuming it was used for 8 weeks or less) and supplements can accelerate this. Although rare with moderated doses, women should remain alert for side effects such as a deepening in their voice, body and facial hair growth, menstrual irregularities, and clitoris enlargement; if such side effects present themselves, discontinue use immediately as continued use may cause permanent changes.

Primoxyl has been withdrawn voluntarily from most markets. Legitimate Primoxyl is only produced by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals in India. Outside of this source, a person’s only option is an underground lab.

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