Syringes & Needles (3 Offers)

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Buy 1ml Syringe Online
Becton Dickinson, USA
Manufacturer: Becton Dickinson
Pack: 10 x 1ml Insulin Syringe with Permanently Attached Needle
Size: 0.33 x 12.7mm (29 G x 1/2)
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Buy 2ml Syringe Online
Becton Dickinson, USA
Manufacturer: Becton Dickinson
Pack: 10 x 2ml Syringe With Needle
Size: 0.6 x 30mm (23 G x 1,25)
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Buy 5ml Syringe with Needle Online
Becton Dickinson, USA
Manufacturer: Becton Dickinson
Pack: 10 x 5ml Syringe with Needle
Size: 0.7 x 40mm (22 G x 1.5)
Out of stock

What is needle guage?

The gauge of the needle refers to the width or barrel size of the needle. It is important to always remember that the bigger the number the smaller the needle size, it's the opposite of what you might initially think. For instance, the smaller the number is, the larger the needle size is. So a 16 gauge needle is larger than 23 gauge.

Common Needle Gauge

Location Size
Glutes 1.5 inch
Quads 1.5 inch
Delts 1.0 inch

What gauge needles should I use?

If you are injecting intramuscularly (IM) either water or oil based liquids then the standard needle size is a 22 or 23 gauge, for glutes and quads whereas you may want to use a 25 gauge needle for delts which is a smaller muscle. Generally just use common sense because oil is thicker therefore you want a slightly bigger needle hole (smaller needle gauge) so you aren't there all day trying to inject.

Needle length

The needle length is usually 1.5 inch but you can use 1 inch for smaller site injections like deltoid injections. We would recommend you use 1.5 inch needle all the time to ensure you reach the deep muscle tissue.

Common Needle Lenght

Location Size
Glutes 1.5 inch
Quads 1.5 inch
Delts 1.0 inch

Syringe size

The standard syringe is the 3 cc (3ml – same size) will be what 95% of users will use when injecting. The 3cc syringe is so popular because if you are injecting 1cc, 2cc or 3cc the 3cc has you covered.

Brand of needle

Terumo, B-D, and Monoject are the most common brands.

Look for the ones with the "ultra thin wall design" because that means you can inject more fluid without buying a larger gauge needle. The ones that have this design is Terumo and B-D, with the sharpest being Terumo.

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