Buy Clenbutaxyl Online Buy Clenbutaxyl Online


48.00 USD
Trade Name: Clenbutaxyl
Compound: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride
Strength: 40 mcg/pill
Container: 100 Pills in Sachet
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Lab Tested: View Result
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U.S. Domestic

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Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Clenbutaxyl for Sale

Clenbutaxyl by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals is a non-steroidal tablet formulation, effective, therefore used for the purpose of fat loss and weight loss: due to the effect of specificity, as a rule, used during cutting cycle (usually in combination with thyroid hormones, steroids and ketotifen).

Clenbutaxyl: Detailed Reviews and Descriptions

Clenbutaxyl has an active active substance Clenbuterol ("Clen" - slang). This is originally a medical drug used to treat bronchial asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and bronchial obstructive syndrome. It is not a steroid substance, it is also a narcotic or toxic substance: in the case of general recommendations it is relatively safe for human use.

Clenbutaxyl is a selective b2-adrenostimulant. By binding to type 2 beta receptors in the muscle and fat tissues of the human body, it triggers lipolysis processes and improves fat metabolism. Also, when used, there is a release of adrenaline and noradrenaline, which are powerful natural fat burnersd. Increases heat production. The level of metabolism is able to rise by 10-20 (or more) percent. Thanks to the marked qualities, and not only, "Clen" is an effective fat burner for athletes from amateurs to professionals.

But Clenbutaxyl is highly appreciated by athletes not only for its fat burning properties, but also anti-catabolic effect. During the cycle, this drug promotes the preservation of muscle mass (prevents the destruction of muscles). According to the studies, the effect is achieved by blocking Ca2 + dependent and ubiquitin-proteasome proteolysis (not completely confirmed).

Customer reviews describe Clenbutaxyl positively. If negative opinions are found, they are often the result of mistakes made during the preparation and conduct of the course. With the right approach, "Clen" becomes an effective drug in achieving success, more than paying off its own price and risks.

Clenbutaxyl: Side Effects

Possible Clenbutaxyl side effects: sweating, tremor, insomnia, anxiety, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, decreased appetite, nausea, diarrhea, many of which appear only at the initial stage and are prevented by the use of ketotifen or beta-blockers (in cases of overdose is carried symptomatic treatment). It is extremely important to avoid the combination of this drug with alcohol, because the latter not only increases the risk of side effects, but also prevents drying (also induces catabolic processes in the body).

How to use Clenbutaxyl?

The use of Clenbutaxyl in bodybuilding, not only, is carried out by courses lasting an average of 1 month. The effective duration as the dosage and frequency of application, only selected individually, otherwise can not be sufficient (ineffective) or excessive (causing side effects), which is unacceptable for anyone caring about the final results.

The recommended average dose of Clenbutaxyl is up to 120-140 mcg (correspondingly up to 3-3.5 tablets) per day. Typically, the reception is recommended to start with a minimum amount of the drug (20-40 mcg), after, gradually increasing it (to 120-140 mcg), and towards the end of the course, reducing it back (up to the complete cancellation).

Clenbutaxyl cycle for weight loss is often combined. To prevent side effects and enhance its effect, this drug is combined with thyroid hormones (Citomed / T3 / Thyroxyl / Tiromel), steroids (anabolic and androgenic), ketotifen (drug, reducing the sensitivity of the beta-2 adrenoceptor reducing mental excitement further enhancing the metabolism, palpitations, tremor of limbs, facilitates falling asleep) and other pharmacology.

To use Clenbutaxyl for drying without a problem, before the course it is necessary to exclude contra-indications: tachyarrhythmia, myocardial infarction, closed-angle glaucoma, pheochromocytoma, cardiomyopathy, thyrotoxicosis, hypersensitivity, infancy, pregnancy, lactation and others.

Buy Clenbutaxyl Online

Buy Clenbutaxyl from us more reliable, because we work only with proven suppliers, supplying drugs "at first hand." Our customers do not have to doubt the original origin of the goods, as well as worry about preserving their own anonymity: a comprehensive protection system is provided and guarantees are provided for the security of the transmitted confidential information.

Clenbutaxyl Reviews
Dec 13, 2018 (08:40)

Started a week ago on the Clenbutaxyl, started off feeling it straight away on 40ug, and have moved on upto 140ug in the week, seen already 5+lbs off the starting weight on the scales(most likely water weight than much fat loss but...) and can already see my six-pack poking through(a bit) - which is a first! Definitely an effective product from day one and looking forward to making a repeat purchase

Jun 18, 2018 (02:24)

It's the best Clenbuterol I've run. By far, the best. First of all, the side effects: Dry mouth, excitement, jitters, shaky hands and cramps within the first few hours. Secondly, the effects: improved breathing 'makes tren a bit bearable', resting metabolic rate was up by 15-20% 'according to my HRM'. I ran it for 6 weeks none-stop with Diphenhydramine at bedtime, and by week 4, I was doing an hour of intense cardio '135-155 BPM' and I honestly didn't need to take more than 80 mcg '2 tablets'. I experimented to stack it with Yohimbine HCL, to orally mimic Helios, big mistake. Don't do it

This is a fine source. He won't let you down.

Oct 19, 2017 (10:48)

Quality is superb. I felt the clen doing it's job from day 1. This is a great and legit source! I recommend this place

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