Buy Methanodex Online


Trade Name: Methanodex
Compound: Methandrostenolone
Strength: 10 mg/pill
Container: 100 Pills in Sachet
Manufacturer: Sciroxx

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Methanodex Detailed

Sciroxx Methanodex for Sale

Methanodex (AKA Dianabol)
Chemical Name: 17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-1,4-androstadien-3-one
Molecular Weight: 300.441 g/mol
Formula: C20H28O2
Half Life: 4.5 - 6 hours
Detection Time: 5 - 6 weeks
Anabolic Rating: 90 - 210
Androgenic Rating: 40 - 60
Effective Dosage for Men: 15 - 30 mg/day
Effective Dosage for Women: 2.5 - 5 mg/day
Stack With: Nandrodex, Strombafort, Sustanon 350 for best results.
Use For: Bulking and strength gaining.

Methanodex is an anabolic steroid which was first developed in the early 1960’s. As derivative of Testosterone it has been modified to reduce its masculinizing (androgenic) effects while preserving its tissue building (anabolic) effects. This effect results in accelerated development of muscle mass and thus is highly attractive to athletes and body builders. Although it is considered by many to be more potent than Anadrol, it cannot be taken at similarly high dosages.

Methanodex has been proven to increase strength, performance, and Free Fat Mass. It has a very low Relative Binding Affinity with the androgen receptor meaning it does not compete with other steroids for access to the receptor and is thus often used in conjunction with injectables. For body builders Methanodex is often used to begin a cycle and it is recommended that the drug only be used for between three and six week (with effects often noticeable in the first week), but up to six weeks is not unheard of. If used in conjunction with injectables (injectables being slow acting while orally administered steroids are fast acting) upon cessation of Methanodex the user should begin seeing results from the injectables. Methanodex can also be used as a bridge between two other steroids by using a smaller dosage to simply maintain gains while recovering hormone levels.

Methanodex Doses

When originally released intake was recommended at between 5-10 mgs a day; the modern body building community recommends between 25-50 mgs a day, although some may use more or less. If used as a bridge 10 mgs a day is recommended as well Tamoxifen (buy Nolvadex) and HCG (buy Fertigyn). Such gains may be masked by increased water retention which can result in a smoother appearance. While this may be undesirable it provides additional protection to connective tissue and fuller muscle tissue which can contract better.

Methanodex Side Effects

Side effects, although often overstated, can include increased estrogen levels (resulting in gynecomastia), water retention, high blood pressure, body hair growth, acne, oily skin, Testosterone suppression, male pattern hair loss, and liver damage and may begin to present at levels above 30 mgs per day. Women are advised against taking Methanodex as even small amounts can cause a deepening in their voice, body and facial hair growth, menstrual irregularities, and clitoris enlargement although dosages between 2.5-5 mgs per day can be effective for muscle growth. Dosages above 15 mgs per day without liver detoxifying supplements can disturb liver, thus periodic liver function tests are recommended. Cessation of the drug should alleviate most effects after one to four months.

Methanodex tablets generally carry between 5 and 10 mgs of the steroid while injectables typically carry 25 mgs. Methanodex is no longer prescribed in most Western countries due to its apparent lack of therapeutic value. The main producers are found in Asia and Eastern Europe with limited numbers found in South America. Users should avoid any Methanodex labeled as having been manufactured in Spain or Italy as these are most certainly fake.

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