Buy Supertest 450 Online
SP Laboratories

Supertest 450

Trade Name: Supertest 450
Mixed Testosterones:
- 32 mg of Testosterone Acetate
- 73 mg of Testosterone Propionate
- 73 mg of Testosterone Phenylpropionate
- 125 mg of Testosterone Cypionate
- 147 mg of Testosterone Decanoate
Strength: 450 mg/ml
Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: SP Laboratories
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Supertest 450 Detailed

SP Laboratories Supertest 450 for Sale

Supertest (AKA Sustanon, Testosterone Blend)
Testosterone Mix:
- 32 mg per mL of Testosterone Acetate
- 147 mg per mL of Testosterone Decanoate
- 73 mg per mL of Testosterone Propionate
- 73 mg per mL of Testosterone Phenylpropionate
- 125 mg per mL of Testosterone Cypionate (125 mg/mL)
Chemical Name: 17b-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one
Molecular Weight: 412.6112 g/mol
Formula: C19H28O2
Half Life: 8 - 10 days
Detection Time: 3 months
Anabolic Rating: 100
Androgenic Rating: 100
Effective Dosage for Men: 450 - 2000 mg/week
Effective Dosage for Women: Not recommended
Stack With: Nandroxyl, Boldaxyl, Anadroxyl, Dianoxyl for best results.
Use For: Bulking cycles.

Supertest 450 is a combination of five different forms of Testosterone. It blends Testosterones with the Acetate, Decanoate, Propionate, Phenylpropionate and Cypionate esters in an attempt to achieve the benefits of all. The Enanthate ester is the longest commonly available ester of Testosterone, meaning it takes the enzymes in the body longer to cleave it from the base Testosterone resulting in a longer effective period. Conversely, the propionate ester is one of the shortest, meaning a very short half-life.

Supertest 450 Use

Because Supertest 450 contains both long and short esters it has many of the effects of both with some interesting ramifications. The short ester means it needs to be injected just as frequently as Testosterone Propionate alone, (every other day), but with a longer acting aspect. As a result it may be difficult to choose which compounds with which to stack Supertest 450.

Due its dual nature, Supertest 450 is something of a jack-of-all-trades in regards to stacking with other steroids. It’s frequent injection cycle would seem to lend itself well to a shorter actine drug such as Trenbolone but this negates the long acting effects of the other esters thus leading one to think a longer acting compound such as Deca Durabolin or Equipoise would be the better choice. These do tend to be the more commonly preferred substances to stack with Supertest 450 though in practice most steroids will stack with it quite well. If Supertest 450 is being used in a cutting cycle, a supplement to control water retention is strongly advised.

Supertest 450 Dose

Testosterone propionate is considered to be a painful steroid to inject. This is because of its very short propionic ester which can cause irritation and inflammation of the tissue around the injection site.

For the treatment of androgen deficiency, the original prescription guidelines for Supertest indicate a dosage of 450 mg to be administered once every 3 to 6 weeks. For bodybuilding and performance enhancement the dose increases to 450 to 900 mg on a weekly basis. Supertest can be combined with many other steroids do to the flexibility of its components.

For female users, Supertest 450 is not commonly prescribed. When Supertest 450 is used, it is to treat diminished sex drive and is administered in a very low dose (50 mg) every 2 to 4 weeks. Supertest is not recommended for female body builders or athletes due to its strong virilizing effects.

Supertest 450 Side Effects

Side effects of Supertest 450 may include an increase in estrogen levels (or even gynecomastia at higher doses), water retention, body hair growth, acne, oily skin, testosterone suppression, increased aggression, male pattern hair loss, changes in cholesterol levels and a rise in blood pressure. Male users that are predisposed to hair loss may wish to look at a less androgenic steroid. Many of the effects of Supertest can be effectively mitigated, controlled or potentially avoided with the proper application of supplements. Testosterone levels should return to their natural levels within approximately 1-4 months with minimal intervention or post-cycle therapy. Female body builders, who are not recommended to take Testosterone based compounds, will be at risk of masculinization related side effects. These may include a deepening of the voice, an increase in body and facial hair, menstrual irregularities, and clitoral enlargement. Should any of the aforementioned symptoms begin to manifest, women are advised to cease Supertest use immediately to avoid changes becoming permanent. Athletes using Testosterone Enanthate derived are advised to use a step down routine after ending a cycle in order to reduce the possibility of a post-cycle crash. This may not be strictly necessary for cycles less than 10 weeks.

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