Buy Primobol Online
Balkan Pharmaceuticals


Trade Name: Primobol
Compound: Methenolone Enanthate
Strength: 100 mg/ml
Container: 10 Amps [1 ml per Amp]
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
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Primobol Detailed

Balkan Pharmaceuticals Primobol for Sale

Primobol (AKA Methenolone)
Chemical Name: 17beta-Hydroxy-1-methyl-5alpha-androst-1-en-3-one, 1-methyl-1(5-alpha)-androsten-3-one-17b-ol
Molecular Weight: 414.621 g/mol
Formula: C27H42O3
Half Life: 10 days
Detection Time: 4 - 5 weeks
Anabolic Rating: 88
Androgenic Rating: 44 - 57
Effective Dosage for Men: 400 - 700 mg/week
Effective Dosage for Women: 50 - 100 mg/week
Stack With: Danabol, Anapolon, Sustamed, Halotest, Parabolan, Strombaject, Oxandrolone for best results.
Use For: Fat loss and/or cutting cycles.

Primobol has always been considered a mild drug and the most effective during the cutting cycles. In this case, you can improve the constitution of the body and prepare it for responsible competitions. Note that this drug can be produced, both in tablet form and injection form. However, in sports the second is the most popular and we will talk about it.

This drug has weak anabolic and androgenic properties, which explains its mild effect on body. Since the androgenic activity of this AAS is small, it is often used by girls.

The most significant advantage of this steroid is the complete absence of aromatization. Actually, for this reason, this drug is actively used for cutting or when building a quality mass. It also indicates the impossibility of manifesting such sides as gynecomastia and high puffiness due to water retention in the body. All of the above can be confirmed be the feedbacks from bodybuilders who have already used this drug more than once.

How to use Primobol?

This drug should not be used more than two months, as the risks of side effects will increase, and the effectiveness of anabolic will begin to decline. We have already mentioned that Primobol from Balkan Pharmaceuticals can be most effective at the time of cutting. In this situation, you can save the muscle mass from destruction, and improve the constitution of body.

Since the anabolic activity of Primobol is relatively small, many bodybuilders are interested in the question on how to get the maximum effect from the course of this drug. Testosterone, Methandienone, and also Nandrolone are excellent binders. The combination of Primobol with these anabolics will allow to gain quality mass. For cutting cycles, Winstrol will be the best choice. Also note that you should not use more than 3 AAS in one cycle, and their dosage should be half that in comparison with the solo use.

Primobol: Side Effects

Immediately it should be said that this is one of the safest steroids. Primobol, produced by Balkan Pharmaceuticals, is not able to greatly suppress the pituitary arc. Using this drug in the amount of 40 mg for a long period of time, the production of Testosterone, although it will be halved, can be restored in 7-14 days. Note that although this drug has a fairly large list of possible side effects, in practice they are extremely rare. At the same time, we recommend that you consult a doctor for advice before using this drug.

Buy Primobol Online

You can easily buy Primobol in our online anabolic/androgenic steroid store.

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