Trade Name: EQ
Compound: Boldenone Undecylenate
Strength: 500 mg/ml
Container: 10 ml Vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
EQ 500 (AKA Boldenone, Ganabol)
Chemical Name: 1,4-androstadiene-3-one, 17 beta-ol, 1-dehydrotestosterone
Molecular Weight: 286.409 g/mol
Formula: C19H26O2
Half Life: 14 days
Detection Time: 4 - 5 months
Anabolic Rating: 100
Androgenic Rating: 50
Effective Dosage for Men: 300 - 700 mg/week
Effective Dosage for Women: 50 - 75 mg/day
Stack With: Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Enanthate, Dianabol, Trenbolone Enanthate for best results.
Use For: Mass gaining cycles.
EQ 500 is characterized by a high index of anabolic activity, and the androgenic properties of this drug are moderate. The active component of this steroid is similar in molecular structure to Testosterone and partly to Methandienone. In comparison with these drugs, EQ 500 produces a milder effect on body. The manufacturer of this drug is the popular European company Dragon Pharma. This anabolic is primarily intended for gaining quality mass, as well as for increasing the power parameters. On the course of this drug, the nitrogen balance shifts in the positive direction, which leads to a rapid production of protein compounds. In addition, appetite significantly increases. Both of these effects occur almost from the very start of the EQ 500 cycle.
The active ingredient in this anabolic is Boldenone Undecylenate. The main characteristic of this substance is the unique structure - 5AP, through which Boldenone interacts directly with receptors and this enhances its strength. This drug is extremely reluctant to aromatize and this effect can be completely neglected. Since the process of aromatization proceeds extremely inactive, then the growth of estrogen concentration is not observed. Everything says that on EQ 500 cycle are excluded side effects of estrogenic type, for example, gynecomastia. Today, this drug is actively used by bodybuilders to improve the constitution of their bodies.
In bodybuilding, EQ 500 is primarily used for building quality muscular mass. To improve the results of the cycle, many builders combine it with Stanozolol (Winstrol for Sale / Strombafort for Sale / SP Stanozolol for Sale / Stanoxyl for Sale / Stanodex for Sale) or Testosterone Propionate (Propionat 100 for Sale / Testoxyl Propionate for Sale / Testodex Propionate for Sale / Testosterone P for Sale / SP Propionate for Sale). The first combination is suitable for athletes who want to improve the constitution of their body and make the muscles more rigid. Weekly dosage of EQ 500 is 800 mg, and Stanozolol is taken daily in an amount of 30 to 50 mg. The drug is not only effective, but also quite safe. The risks of manifestations of side effects on this cycle are small. Even a stack of EQ 500 + Trenbolone, if all the recommendations are followed, will not cause serious side effects.
By purchasing this drug, you get rid of the need for frequent injections. The active component of EQ 500 works for about two weeks and to maintain a hormonal background it is enough to take one shot in 7 days. For beginners at this point in time it is worth using from 500 to 600 mg of the drug, and experienced builders can bring the dosage to 1000 mg.
We have already mentioned two very popular among builders combinations of EQ 500. However, there are other combinations that will also bring excellent results. For example, a combination of Primobolan + EQ 500 will help you to gain a quality weight. No less popular is the combination of this drug with Winstrol Depot (injectable form of Stanozolol). In the second case, the stiffness and venousness of the musculature increases significantly. Also, athletes often use EQ 500 in combination with long esters of Testosterone and Nandrolone. Excellent results can be obtained by combining EQ 500 with mixes of substances mentioned above. The main task of such cycles is a quick gain of quality mass and increasing the strength of an athlete.
To get a complete picture of EQ 500, you need to remember about possible side effects. We have already noted in the beginning that this steroid has androgenic properties, but the side effects of this type in courses are extremely rare. Similarly, the situation is with all side effects. If we read the EQ 500 reviews by athletes, they mention that side effects are almost not found. To protect yourself from various troubles during the anabolic cycle, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations for the use of EQ 500. In this case, the risk of manifestations of such effects as acne, increased sweating, increased blood pressure and especially gynecomastia, are almost completely excluded. Also note that EQ 500 does not suppress the pituitary system as much as some AAS.
In our online store of anabolic steroids, you can buy EQ 500 that can help you to improve your performance. We guarantee the high quality of our products. Choosing our store, wee guarantee you complete confidentiality.
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