Buy Strombaject Aqua Online
Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Strombaject Aqua

Trade Name: Strombaject
Compound: Stanozolol
Strength: 50 mg/ml
Container: 5 Amps [1 ml per Amp]
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
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Strombaject Aqua Detailed

Balkan Pharmaceuticals Strombaject Aqua for Sale

Strombaject (AKA Stanozolol, Winstrol)
Chemical Name: 17β-Hydroxy-17-methyl-5alpha-androstano[3,2-c]pyrazole
Molecular Weight: 328.49 g/mol
Formula: C21H32N2O
Half Life: 9 hours
Detection Time: 2 months
Anabolic Rating: 320
Androgenic Rating: 30
Effective Dosage for Men: 50 mg/day
Effective Dosage for Women: 20 mg/day
Stack With: Sustamed, Danabol, Anapolon, Primobol, Nandrolone D, Parabolan, Halotest for best results.
Use For: Bulking and cutting cycles.

Strombaject Aqua is produced by popular company Balkan Pharmaceuticals. Active ingredient of this drug is Stanozolol, and the effect of this steroid on body is analogous to Winstrol. With it, you can get rid of fat mass and increase physical parameters. Since this anabolic effectively increases endurance and at the same time does not contribute to mass gain, it is often used in sports such as boxing, athletics, cycling, and during cutting cycles and preparation for competitions.

Stanozolol was created about five decades ago and all this time is actively used in sports. According to the chemical structure of molecules, this drug is a dihydrotestosterone derivative, but it has low rates of androgenic activiity. Immediately after its creation, this steroid was used in veterinary medicine, but quickly enough was approved by FDA, which made it possible to start using it in medicine. Very quickly after that, Stanozolol firmly entered into sports.

Although scientists have found agonistic properties of progesterone in Stanozolol, it can not significantly reduce the negative impact of Nandrolone on body. If you compare this drug with other injectable AAS, the main difference is the water base. It is with this fact that a high frequency of injections is associated.

The best thing about effects of this drug will say its properties:

  • The ability of this steroid to improve the relief makes it one of the best steroid for cutting.
  • The processes of lipolysis are activated in body.
  • Metabolic processes are accelerated, and appetite is increased.
  • The processes of disposal of excessive water are very active.
  • Reduces the concentration of globulin, which leads to an increase in Testosterone levels in the free state.

Strombaject Aqua has more than triple of Testosterone in terms of anabolic activity, and the steroid's androgenic properties account for only a third of the analogous parameter of Testosterone. This fact combined with the lack of toxicity and the ability to not convert into estradiol, make Strombaject Aqua not only effective, but also safe.

Strombaject Dosage and Administration

The effect of this drug on body is significantly different from the work of other steroids, which made it very popular among representatives of various sports disciplines. The solo Strombaject cycle practically does not cause the growth of muscle tissues, but it contributes to a sharp improvement in the quality of the relief and vascularity. As a result, for many bodybuilders, Strombaject is the most effective steroid for cutting.

As with other steroids, the Strombaject Aqua cycle needs to be approached individually. The recommended one-time dosage for men is 50-100 mg. Strombaject injection is not recommended for use by women and they should choose a tablet form, taking daily 5-10 mg. Most often Strombaject cycle lasts five or eight weeks.

Strombaject: Side Effects

Strombaject is a fairly safe AAS and during its cycles, side effects are extremely rare. If you comply with all the rules of its use, then even women can not be afraid for their health. In rare cases, it is possible to increase blood pressure and increase the concentration of lipoprotein compounds. Also we recall that Stanozolol in tablets can be dangerous for liver, if used for a long time in high doses.

Buy Strombaject Online

You may now buy Strombaject online in our steroid store, as we are the official supplier of Balkan Pharmaceuticals.

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