HGH (Growth Hormones) (32 Offers)

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Buy HGH (Growth Hormones) for Bitcoins - Real HGH Sale

More and more companies are starting to produce growth hormone drugs, and the cost of this drug is beginning to decline. Find out what properties the growth hormone has and how to use it correctly.

In bodybuilding, various drugs are often used to promote the acceleration of the correct formation of muscles hardness. One such drug is Somatotropin, commonly called Human Growth Hormone. The human body, of course, produces it, but with age, its secretion is greatly reduced. This drug has a huge number of beneficial properties, for which many are taking the growth hormone cycle. Here are the main reasons why growth hormone in bodybuilding is used quite actively:

  • The process of formation of muscle mass is accelerating.
  • Adipose tissue is burned much faster, which makes growth hormone for weight loss an extremely effective drug.
  • Growth hormone for bones is also important, as it contributes to their growth and strengthening.

Growth hormone also has other important advantages, but it is the above properties that are most significant in bodybuilding. It will help you to bring the desired result closer and make the workouts more effective. It should also be noted that this drug is used by many movie stars.

Growth hormone can be bought by everyone, it is enough to go to the nearest pharmacy. But the price can repel, because the wrapping for good and foreign GR is very high. It should be understood that such a drug is quite expensive, and take it a long time to feel the result. If you see a cheap analogue on the counter of the store, then you can not doubt that this is a low-quality counterfeit. Forged growth hormone in a pharmacy is unlikely to be found, but you still need to study the products of all firms, read reviews on Internet.

Most of this drug is produced in China. Such products combine relatively good quality and low cost, which will make the training more effective without particularly high costs, given that the cycle of growth hormone can last a long time. Growth hormone has virtually no side effects, which is also an important plus.

However, We want to warn you that if you are hoping to multiply the muscle mass due to this drug, then your dreams are unlikely to be realized, since the use of the Somatotropin is more aimed at the formation of hardness and fat burning and preferably in conjunction with steroids. Ask your trainer, and if he says that this drug would be useful to you, then you can profitably buy growth hormone in our online store and start taking it.

Human Growth Hormone Effects

We have already found out the reasons why this drug is becoming more popular among body-builders. It should be recognized that in other sports disciplines, the potential of Somatotropin is practically not disclosed, which makes its use impractical. However, growth hormone in bodybuilding is a huge success, and now you will understand why this is related. For this, we will tell you in detail about those effects of the drug that can be obtained if you decide to conduct a growth hormone cycle.

As you know, bodybuilding classes pursue a set of muscular mass with their main goal. Growth hormone for muscles is an extremely effective drug, as it helps accelerate the process of hyperplasia. You probably know that muscle cells have an elongated shape and are called fibers. In addition to the main cells, there are also so-called satellite ones.

Scientists distinguish two types of growth of muscle fibers: hypertrophy and hyperplasia. During hypertrophy, the fibers increase their transverse dimensions or, in other words, grow in thickness. Hypertrophy of muscle tissues can be accelerated with the help of all kinds of sport's supplements, including Somatotropin. But the process of hyperplasia is more interesting from the point of view of athletes. It is to activate the division of satellite cells. As a result, the number of fibers increases, which in the future under the influence of physical exertion can also increase their transverse dimensions.

Somatotropin is the only drug at this time that can activate and accelerate the process of hypertrophy and, in fact, increase your genetic potential in terms of mass gain. As you can see, growth hormone for muscles can be called a unique drug. However, body-builders are not enough to gain muscle mass, as the number of adipose tissues simultaneously increases. With a properly planned diet and training process, this increase in fat is not large, but still has a place to be. As a result, athletes at some point should conduct a cutting cycle to improve the constitution of the body and give the muscles a beautiful hardness.

Roughly speaking, cutting in bodybuilding is a quick weight loss. Somatotropin can also help you in this matter. This is due to the ability of the drug to accelerate metabolism. Scientists have proved that the body as an energy source can use carbohydrates or fats. The regulator of carbohydrate metabolism is Insulin, and for fat, this function is performed by Somatotropin. This makes growth hormone for weight loss a very effective tool. The last important property for body-builders of Somatotropin is its ability to strengthen ligaments. It's no secret that when working with large weights, athletes often get injuries of the joint-ligament apparatus. Thanks to the growth hormone, you can strengthen the ligaments and strengthen the bone tissue, thereby reducing the risk of injury. Let's note other effects of the drug that make growth hormone in bodybuilding a very attractive drug:

  • Strong anti-catabolic effect.
  • Increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood.
  • Increased activity of the immune system.
  • The regenerative processes as a whole are accelerated, and the wounds on the skin are also healed faster.

Growth Hormone: Rules for Use and Combination

The drug can be used solo or in combination with other types of sport's supplements. Let's consider the most popular growth hormone cycle.

HGH Solo Cycle
This cycle is primarily aimed at improving the constitution of the body. Start the cycle with a daily dose of 5 IU. If there are no side effects for 14 days, then increase the amount of Somatotropin up to 10 IUs. Note that in this case it is necessary to take two injections per day on 5 IUs. To get the maximum effect from the drug, it should be injected on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. The duration of the solo cyle is from three months to six months. We recommend to use the drug according to the above scheme and with its combination with other types of sport's supplements.

Growth Hormone and Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids Cycle
Somatotropin is used according to the scheme given in the first year. The best choice among steroids will be Testosterone Enanthate (Enantat 250, Enantat 400) or Sustanon (Sustaxyl) (weekly dose is 250-500 mg.), also Boldenone (EQ 300, EQ 500) (weekly dose is 400 mg.). Anabolics should be used for about two months. The above combinations are aimed at the maximum gain of muscular mass. If you want to cut thoroughly, then Somatotropin should be used in conjunction with Winstrol (50 mg per day) or Oxandrolone (Anavar, Oxandroxyl) (daily dose is 30-50 mg.).

A Powerful Cycle With Growth Hormone For Fat Burning
The use of AAS such as Winstrol or Oxandrolone together with Somatotropin can give an excellent result during cutting. However, the best from this point of view is the use of growth hormone with Thyroxine. This drug is a synthetic hormone of the thyroid gland and can significantly enhance the fat burning effect of growth hormone.

We recall that growth hormone is used in a similar first-rate scheme. The daily dosage of thyroxine is from 100 to 200 mcg. It is very important that this amount of the drug to be divided into three equal doses, and in the evening it must be taken (most recently) until 18 hours.

Start using Thyroxine in a daily dose of 50 mcg and daily increase it by 25 mcg until you reach the required effect. The drug is used for a maximum of 30 days, after which it is necessary to gradually reduce the dosage every day until complete its cancellation. As an alternative to Thyroxin, you can use Clenbuterol (Clenbutaxyl) or Ephedrine.

Real HGH Injections for Sale

Only in our online-tested store mariesto, you can buy growth hormone at a relatively low price. All because we are not intermediaries, but directly purchase it from our Chinese partners. By purchasing a growth hormone from us, you can also be sure of its authenticity. To do this, enter the code indicated on the packaging of growth hormone on the manufacturer's website, and you immediately make sure that you not bought a fake.

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